Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Ken in rehab

   Just letting everyone know that Ken is in the rehab hospital, and making progress. Please continue your prayers, good wishes, positive thoughts and good vibes on his behalf. It will be tough, but we will get Ken better. Today he had electro--stimulus therapy, or whatever the name is. He stood on his left leg too, and he said it felt good to stand on his own. I have been staying at the hospital, and then the rehab hospital with him, and I have to get back there. Continued updates on the blog's Facebook page, which you'll find a link to on this page somewhere.

  It's safe to say that my days of buying dolls are over. I have too much stuff, and we may have to downsize to a one story house, for Ken. Also, we will now be on Ken's disability income, so dolls are not in the budget. When things get more back to normal, I still have plenty of dolls to show you, and you will be able to buy them too! I am putting the sales page back up, but only the dolls that I can easily locate. The others will go back on eventually, as they are taken out of storage. Please buy something if you are so inclined. Ken hasn't been working for about three weeks, and we haven't been approved for any disability or anything yet.


  1. If you decide to part with Little Miss No-Name I want dibs. Seriously though, I'm sorry that you may need a different house, but I'm glad Ken is feeling some better. Electro-stimulus that where they attach the electrodes to your body and shock part of the muscle to get it to go? I've heard that that hurts like mad. Ken's a tough cookie! I'll continue to pray for y'all.

  2. Yes, that's electro stimulation. Ken said it didn't hurt, just felt weird. I would never get rid of LMNN. She was one of my favourite childhood dolls. She'll go to one of my kids.

  3. Hang in there, Tam. I know how scary it is to see your partner ailing—my hubby had a brain bleed/stroke 4 years ago with emergency brain surgery. It was terrifying. But he did his rehab/PT and other than 3x a day rounds of meds, he is himself again. Good luck navigating the disability claims—I hope you have someone helping you through that, as it can be a maze. Sending much love and healing vibes your way.

    1. Thank you Beth. And Ken said thanks too.

  4. I’m continuing to be vigil with my prayers for Kens full recovery and to get you and the kids thru this time. My husband of 40 yrs. has been thru cancer, surgeries and rehab.
    I do know what your going thru. I think Ken is a strong person, he WILL get thru this. Following your doll blog over the years I know you are an amazing wife and mother you WILL get thru this.
    Many Prayers ♥️

  5. Good to hear that Ken is feeling better. Hope he gets back to himself soon.

  6. It's been medical excitement for everyone this past month, seems like. Glad to hear he's on the mend (I don't have Facebook and avoid it like the plague).


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