Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Doll-A-Day 222: Heart Felts Jack and Jill

  Today I'm showing you another couple of little dolls that I got at last week's doll show. They're Jack and Jill.

They're apparently part of a series of dolls called Heart Felts, (Because they're made of felt, see?), made by Midwest of Cannon Falls.

They're about 5" tall.

I thought they were really cute, and they are the perfect size for this miniature well I bought recently. When I bought the well I thought it would fit Skipper, or somebody. It didn't seem to fit anybody I had though, so I was going to get rid of it.

These guys have a string on their heads, so I guess you can hang them if you want to.

Only Jill has a pail, because they were going to fetch 'a pail of water'.

I think that thing on Jack's head is the bandage he got after he 'fell down and broke his crown'. It's supposed to be made of 'vinegar and brown paper'. 

Wow! I don't think I've ever read that last part. That's pretty cold. Jill just laughed at his misfortune, which is pretty bad, but she didn't cause it. He caused her to fall too by falling in her way. (At least, as far as we know. Who knows what goes on up by the well? Maybe as far as  Jill is concerned, what happens on the hill stays on the hill.)
This doesn't look like vinegar and brown paper, but that would look kind of gross. And imagine what it smelled like...
 Maybe Jill isn't as big a clutz as Jack. She didn't 'break her crown' at least. But what's up there that these guys are falling over? Maybe they need to put a big 'caution' sign up there. Maybe Jack and Jill's mother shouldn't be sending little kids up on a dangerous hill where they could fall and break things like their crowns.Maybe Social Services needs to get in on this...
 And to answer another nursery rhyme question, "How does your garden grow?".....
 The corn seems to be just about finished, (and Ken has been enjoying it, so all my work was not in vain!)
 ...I finally have some baby cucumbers!!

...the tomatoes are still getting ripe.

 ...and that pumpkin, or whatever it is that started on it's own, has finally got a bloom.

Also the 2 dozen hostas I replanted that my neighbor gave me are still growing, as is the peace lily the nursing home sent to Dad's funeral. For a change I haven't had a completely black thumb.
Tomorrow we'll see another doll.

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