Saturday, July 30, 2022

Why Don't You Post Something?! Well...

   I know I haven't posted much lately, in spite of promising posts on flea market finds and things. There is a a reason for that. Lately I have been suffering a lot of pain in my right leg. It's been pretty bad. I'm used to my back hurting, or hip pain, so this is just one more thing I figure is related in some way. I think it's probably a nerve or something because of the ways I can relieve the pain, (when I can), and how it has progressed from my leg hurting when I drive for the past year or so, and things that make the pain go away.. My leg doesn't hurt from driving where you might think, but where the part of my leg just above the knee joint presses on the edge of the seat. That would get quite sore. That's the base that this pain starts from. Then, when it gets aggravated enough from walking, or even sitting on the couch with that part of my leg pressed on the edge of the seat, it spreads to my knee, and even down my leg. Driving, or even riding in the car, has become really painful. I went to the flea market with my sister a few weeks ago, and those few hours of walking around put me out of commission for a couple of days, with  pain so bad I had trouble sleeping. If I drive or ride in the car for our Fun Day, and then mow the grass the next day, as I did yesterday, (Plus hanging laundry and taking it down, and repotting my Peace Lily and watering the plants.), things become very difficult to bear. I've been limping most of the time. I have taken to laying flat on my back with my legs over the arm of the couch to try to relieve the pain, (Hey, it worked a couple of times.) That means I can't type very well, and I have to watch TV sort of upside down.

   As for posting, I haven't been able to get down on the ground to take doll photos, and I certainly can't get on my knees. For the Ruby Red review I had to turn my display screen out and hold the camera down and frame the shot as best I could. The problem with that is, my display screen only shows you what you're taking after you've taken it. That means I have to try to line up the shot based on the last one: do I need to move the camera up, down, left, or right? There have been a lot of deleted photos!

  I also can't go up or down stairs without a lot of pain, and outside is down stairs. We have a set of steps going in and out of the house, front and back. There are two flights of stairs between the first and second stories of our house. Yesterday I spent the day in my bedroom, so as to avoid the stairs. Ken brought me food. Luckily the bathroom is across the landing, but still painful to get to.

   If I laid on my left side long enough, the pain stopped. I can't lay on my right side at all because the pain gets much worse if I do. I also can't lay on my back or stomach, because that always causes my back to hurt terribly, even at the best of times. So I am stuck on my left side. You have no idea how much I want to turn over in the night, but I don't dare! So I spent most of the day laying on my left side, or trying to sit with my leg at the impossible angle. You know. The one that doesn't hurt.

  The good news is, it worked! My leg hurts less than it has in weeks. It's still easy to start it hurting again If I stub my toe or bump into anything, it's enough to push my knee sideways just enough to cause A LOT of pain. I did manage to come downstairs today without screaming though, which is nice. (My neighbours must have been wondering who was being murdered in here the last few weeks.) I'm going to have an early night tonight and stay off my feet as much as possible and give my leg even more chance to relax and heal. 

  So that's what's happening. There will be a Doll Book of the Month Club post tomorrow. I even wrote that one early!


  1. Oh my goodness, Tam, that sounds excruciating! It must be the week for it--I had a hysterectomy (long planned) on Monday, and am trying to be gentle with myself. Take care!

    1. Take it easy. As I told a friend who had a hysterectomy recently, be careful with yourself. That's a lot of insides to lose.

  2. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well lately. Sounds really painful and hard to navigate. I hope you can find a solution or a treatment that will help you in the long run.

    1. Thank you. I think it's just one of those things that have to be worked through. Hopefully it will pass, like most things do. I've already found a way to improve it, so hopefully.


Thanks in advance for your comments.