It was a warm day yesterday. Overcast as could be, but warm. I consented to eat at a restaurant with Ken because we got to eat outside on the patio, all by ourselves. (We still need to get our vaccinations.) On the way home it started to rain, which continued into today. Apparently that cooled things off considerably because it's been as low as the 40's, (Fahrenheit), today. My poor fingers were pretty good by yesterday afternoon, but are stiff and sore again today. I'm hoping the weather has something to do with it, and when it warms up they will be all better.
The doll auction started yesterday. Ken and I got there not long after the auction started, but I very quickly figured out that I wasn't going to be able to afford anything. It was a shame too, because there were quite a few wonderful Baps dolls, (You can see my pitiful Baps doll HERE.), and some beautiful hand made one of a kind dolls, and lot of really cool miniatures.
I had a look at the dolls for the other two days of auctions too. It looked like the only chance I was going to have at affording anything was going to come on the 'gallery only' auction day. 'Gallery only' means you have to actually be there to bid. Wednesday and Thursday were gallery and internet bids. I talked to a couple of ladies who were also looking at the gallery bids only dolls, and we all agreed that since the auction started accepting internet bids too, we could no longer afford anything. It's too hard to compete with people from all over the world. It's bad enough when you are competing with people in the gallery! The auctions are where dealers used to go to get the dolls they sold at shows. 'Regular people' rarely showed up. Now there is so much competition from internet bids that I don't know how dealers can make a profit any more. Add that to the incredibly high cost of show tables and it's easy to see why doll shows are dying. Dealers can't afford to do shows because they have to sell so much just to warrant going. They have to make back table costs, travel costs, and still make a profit on the dolls they sell. One of the ladies said the auction house takes half the auction price of the doll, then they also charge the buyer 5 or 10% if you pay in cash, (We couldn't remember which.), and even more for using credit cards. It's like the doll shows. They charge crazy prices for tables, even more for electricity if you need it for your display, and then charge shoppers for entry. Let's add to that the money they make for the ridiculous practice of 'early birders' fees. That's where people pay extra to enter the show an hour or two ahead of everybody else. That's stupid! Just let everyone have the same chance, and stop trying to milk every last dime out of the thing.
Anyway, I'm not sure I'm going to go back on Friday, because Ken has to work that evening. He's always paranoid the car won't be back in time and he'll be late. So, I left some absentee bids. I almost never win with absentee bids. I am afraid of spending too much, since you never know how many lots you'll win, so I bid very low. If I were there I would know what I had won so far, and could bid accordingly. So I invariably bid too low, and probably lose a lot of things by $5, (one bid). In any case, I guess I'll leave it to fate. I did spot one doll I've had on my mental list, and a couple of others that would now be on the list if I knew who they were made by. I'll let you know if I win anything. I probably won't find out until at least Monday.