Saturday, February 15, 2025

Of Car Repairs and Antique Dolls

   My luck continues to be crap. Some of you might remember a post I did last Spring about the car's water pump going out as I was supposed to be meeting up with my sister to go to a Napoleon Dynamite Q and A. Well, it happened again when we were on the way to go to Emma's for Ken's birthday last week. Luckily the water pump was still under warranty. It was not like the luck we usually have, as the pump went out a couple of month's before the warranty expired, instead of after. 

  So I had to take the car in to get it changed, and with no other way to get back home, I was forced to wait several hours until they were finished. I ended up taking a walk down to the next street, to an antique store. It's rarely open, so I got lucky there too. For a change, she was open. She had a particularly large amount of dolls that day, so I thought I would share them with you. Please excuse some sideways pictures. I'm lucky I got this up at all.

  There were some tinies.

  This sweet handmade Raggedy Ann was in the back room and priced at 2 for $5.

  So was Little Orphan Annie.

So were these two, but they would count as one, I'm thinking, because they were in a box together.

  We're out of the 2 for $5 room now.

  There was a whole case full of Madame Alexanders.

  She had a whole collection of African American dolls.

  This guy was described as a Spanish marionette.

  This bear was really sweet.

  These little ones were about 4 or 5 inches tall, but bigger than dollhouse scale.

  There was a Norah Wellings sailor.

  The Buddy Lee twins.

  A celluloid carnival doll.

  I'm predictable. I like the girl with the flowers in her hair.

  She's so cute!


  Howdy Doody...

...and another Howdy who was apparently adopted by a family of Steiff hedgehogs.

  It's Tommy Tucker. You might have seen the Tommy Tucker I got for free at a doll show, HERE.

  A bunch of Kewpies...

...and one interloper.

  Shirley Temple, and a mumpy Terri Lee for Raging Moon,

  Those were the dolls of that day. I have a few more new ones I wanted to  show you and give my views on, which I saw elsewhere. But I'll get to those another day. See you soon.


  1. Happy to read that you had some luck.

    Many cute dolls

  2. Tam, I'm so glad your car part was still under warranty! Thanks for sharing the doll pics--I would have been SO tempted with so many of those dollies! The bargain room, the Kewpies, that Shirley Temple, Terri Lee! Glad to "see" you back posting--hope Ken is doing well with his recovery.

  3. Mumpy Terri Lee! She's in great shape, too! I saw Bye-Lo Baby in one of your pictures too. What a lovely bunch!

    I'm sorry to hear about your car woes, but I'm glad the part was under warranty, AND that y'all were able to get it fixed right then. My sister and brother-in-law had a part go out on their car last week, and they're STILL waiting for a replacement part. First replacement came damaged, so we'll see how this next one does.

    Y'all stay warm!

    1. Yeah. I should have mentioned the Bye lo baby. We were VERY lucky the prt was under warranty! We have gotten Ken's first disability check, and it's not enough to go around. Par for the course on having a problem though. It wouldn't be us if we didn't get stuck with a problem!

  4. Wow! That's a good number of dolls. Our antique shops rarely have that many to choose from, some nice ones too!


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