Showing posts with label Disney Store Tinkerbell doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disney Store Tinkerbell doll. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #44: Periwinkle

  I found today's doll at Goodwill on Monday. We had snow that day, but before we  got home it was getting dark. So taking a snowy picture had to be left for the next day. Of course, by then the snow had all been rained away. I had to wait until today to photograph her. Today we have snow again. Who knows what tomorrow will be like? This is Ohio. It could be 90 degrees tomorrow.
  Today's doll is one I have been wanting since I saw a review on The Toy Box Philosopher's blog, back in 2015. She's Periwinkle.

Periwinkle is Tinkerbell's twin sister.

The character Periwinkle appeared in the  Tinkerbell movie,"Secret of the Wings".

You can watch a trailer for the movie HERE. It's available for pay on YouTube too. 

  Periwinke is a Frost Talent fairy from The Winter Woods. So the snow is just her thing.

This is the Disney Store version of Periwinkle.


She has the jointed elbows,(But not  jointed wrists.), and bendable knees of the Disney Store dolls. In other words,she has soft legs that are a bit floppy. They don't seem as bad as some Disney Store dolls though.

Her arms swivel at the shoulders,so she can move them up and down and out to the sides.

There were other Periwinkle dolls made by Jakks Pacific. This Disney Store version is my favourite  though. I love her one sided smile and her glowing complexion.


Her outfit consists of her capri pants,(When I was a kid we called them 'pedal pushers'.),and her dress which looks like a leaf.

The white underskirt is made of feathers in the movie. I thought this one was feathers at first,but it's not. It's sort of hard to describe,but I guess the closest thing to call it would be frayed thread.

She should also have blue slip on shoes with white pom poms on the toes. That's the only thing missing from my doll. The amazing thing is that she isn't missing her wings. Most Tinkerbell and friends dolls that I find second hand are missing those. I think these wings aren't removable,which is why they are still here.

The wings, being a thin plastic,are usually bent or creased too. So finding her in such nice condition was real luck. Her wings actually flap,courtesy of the button on her back.

She has a strange hair style that looks kind of like a pod of garlic.

  That's the doll for today. Check back tomorrow for another one.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #193: Disney Store Tinkerbell

  Today's doll for Fairy week is this familiar character. She's Tinkerbell.

I'll say it again. I never cared much for Tinkerbell as a character,but I like the dolls.

I was a bit confused as to which Tinkerbell doll this is. She's only marked Disney China.

She's similar to the 2013 Disney Parks Tinkerbell,but she has much more yellow hair,(as opposed to blonde),and a very different face.

The Disney Parks dolls were available only at the Disney theme parks.
She's also similar to this Disney Parks doll.

I finally found out who she is by finding a different doll in the series online. It appears that she's the 2008 Disney Store exclusive Tinkerbell.

Her outfit is slightly different from the later,Disney Parks dolls. TheDisney Parks dolls seem to have a satinish bodice, while my doll had a velvety one.

The skirt is also different. Mine has blue glitter outlining  the leaves, which are not as velvety as the Parks Girl's leaves. All three dolls are wearing white tights.

The skirt has a built in iridescent underskirt.

She has this flower and tassels thing Velcroed to her back. It attaches with a two sided piece of Velcro that allows it to attach to her dress, while presenting a Velcro surface that would allow something else can be attached to it. The wings? or is this thing something that just found it's way onto her dress, but isn't really hers? Again, I got her second hand, so I don't know.

She's not the standard 11 1/2" doll. She's shorter,standing 10" tall.

She's missing her shoes.

She has a fairly heavy body, and she's a pretty sturdy looking girl for a Tinkerbell. She has arms and legs that are definitely not the typical Tinkerbell dainty.

She has a face that's more like the animation of Tinkerbell than the later dolls' faces is.

Her hair could do with a touch up.

She can do that judgemental hand on hip Tinkerbell pose.

But only one hip.

She looks pretty natural in the great outdoors than that very yellow hair would suggest.

Tomorrow we'll have a look at one of her friends. See you then.