Showing posts with label miniature dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miniature dog. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #162: Betty Curtis Boy and His Dog

   Today's doll is another dollhouse kid. It's this boy and his dog.

He's about 3 and 1/2 inches tall, and he has a little dog.

  He was made by Betty Curtis, a member of NIADA, the National Institute of American Doll Artists.

You may have seen the post I did recently on the Betty Curtis grandparents dolls. You can see that post HERE. Like them, this little guy has a cloth face over a sculpt, so he has three dimensional features. 

  He also has a hand painted face, and fuzzy hair. I think it's mohair.

  His pants have tiny beads for buttons. 

Even on the back, under his Betty Curtis tag.

His shirt is stitched around the edge of the collar.

He has stockingette legs and leatherish looking shoes.

  He has a wore armature, so he's bendy. He can even hold his dog, which I have to admit, is my favourite part of the set. I love this dog!

He's so cute! You have to look really close to tell, but he's made of pipe cleaners.

Not the kind of thin, crappy pipe cleaners you get at craft stores. These are the kind that were, (are?) sold to clean a pipe with. They are much more solid and not nearly as floppy as the craft ones. My grama used to make things out of pipe cleaners like this. I have a little chair she made, with a woven thread seat.

He has a brown tail and ears, and he even has a pink mouth.

He has a very expressive little face.

The dog is probably more expressive than the boy!

  I got this doll, and his sister, at a miniature show a couple of years ago. They were marked $15 each, but the lady was selling a whole bunch of dolls for half price. That's the same dealer and show where I got the Betty Curtis grandparents, and the Erna Meyer dolls you saw the last two days. They were all half price. I saw a pair of Betty Curtis dollhouse kids similar to these online. The boy even had a dog like mine. The girl had a doll, which mine doesn't have. They were sold by Theriault's for $150! Mine are a bit dirty and worn, whereas those were clean and unplayed with, but I still think I got a pretty good deal. 

  That's today's doll. See you again tomorrow with some good news and another doll!