He's an almost perfect replica of the original Ken doll, who had flocked hair.
UPDATE: A kind reader has commented and sent a link,(See below in the comments.),to let us know that this is Tracy Sue's boyfriend Bob. Tracy Sue was a Barbie clone.
His flocked hair is thick, and actually looks like it might last better than the real Ken's. (Certainly better than my Ken's. The husband, that is. His hair is fading fast.)
He's jointed at the neck, shoulders, and hips.
He has a great suit. It's nicely made.Unfortunately the shoes are only painted on.
The shirt has no sleeves though, and the tie ends where the jacket closes.
Sorry about the sideways thing again. |
His only markings are the Made in Japan on his back.
Yes, he's an almost exact copy of Ken...except for one thing:
This isn't a flocked hair Ken, but you get the idea. |
This little guy is only 7 1/2" tall!
"Hey little man. What's up?' "You are, stupid." |
If anybody knows this guy's name, let me know. |