Tuesday, June 7, 2022

My Cool Antique Store Find!

   Before I start, does everybody know that Sideshow is now selling the new Tonner dolls? Here's a link to the new dolls: Sideshow Tonner dolls.

  Ken and I were on 'Fun Day' a few weeks ago. We went to some antique malls that were all clumped together, and at one I found this guy in one of the glass cases.

He's The Little Prince or Little Fairy Prince, by Helen Kish.

When I saw him in the case I knew instantly he was a Kish doll. They have very recognizable faces.

I have noticed that a lot of doll artists make dolls that look a lot like the artist themselves. Helen Kish is one of those artists. Her dolls all have her mouth.

I knew when I saw him that he was a Kish doll, but it took me some searching to figure out who he was specifically.

From what I have been able to find out, he was made as the companion for Thumbelina, as part of the centerpiece for the 2006 UFDC convention. 

He's about 6 inches tall.

He's very jointed. 

Besides the usual joints at the neck, shoulders, and hips, he also has jointed elbows and knees.

His knees don't stay bent very well though.

His feet are molded with shoes on, and painted.

His hair didn't want to stay out of his face. I kept pushing it back and it kept springing back into a crazy mop.

The hat is attached to his head.

He's so tiny that he could very easily have gotten lost in our flowering fallen tree.

This was weeks ago, as I said. The flowers are long gone. We have cut all the big limbs off, but got stalled when the chainsaw locked up. There are some very small branches left, and they are still growling leaves. The tree fell back at the end of winter and it's not dead yet!

I couldn't see his tag when he was in the display case, so I had to get someone to come open the case for me. When I saw his price I said a very quick yes, I'll take him. He was $5! 

He's my second Kish doll, and my first really nice one. (My other is a naked American Girl 'Girls of Many Lands' France doll.)

  The picture above shows the trunk of the tree where it broke. It looks pretty dead, but the tree is going strong. too bad it has to be cut, but a little bit is still laying on our patio table!

  Reviews coming soon. So many things to show you. If I had been feeling better lately you would have seen them by now. Hang in there.





  1. He's really cute! I like the pictures of him in the tree, it helps the fairy look. I actually thought he was a Robin Hood. lol I guess he could be several things if you just look at him in different ways. I am sorry you haven't been feeling well, I hope you are doing better. Looking forward to more reviews. :)

    1. I thought that about the tree too. I can see the Robin Hood in him. It's the hat, I think.

  2. Ooooo, he's such a good find! LOL, all apologies, as I remember you're not an REO Speedwagon fan. He might make a good friend for poor naked Cecile though, since they're both Kish dolls.

    1. You remembered me saying that?! I don't even remember mentioning it!

  3. What a good great deal! It's neat that he was a convention doll.


Thanks in advance for your comments.