Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #351: Lady With Wheat

I'm not sure where today's doll is supposed to be from, but here she is. Maybe some of you can tell me.

She's about 5 or 6 inches tall.

She's obviously a doll representing a country, but which one?

She's carrying a shock of wheat, and a scythe to cut it with.

Her clothes are felt, but her face is a smooth, shiny fabric, like silk.

She has embroidered detail and blanket stitching trim on her skirt.

Her feet are flat, and are basically the way my dad described my feet: 'You don't even have feet, just a piece of your shin bone turned down.' (Because my feet were so small, before I got fat and they spread.)

Her hands are pretty much just the ends of her arms curled up too.

Her body is very strangely shaped.

  Her legs make my legs look long! And that would take some doing.

  Make sure to check out today's other posts. We're racing to catch up before the end of the year!


  1. I don't know her country. She is definitely a worker bee, though.


Thanks in advance for your comments.