Friday, June 14, 2024

Antique Mall Leftovers and Pompeii in a Train Station!

   Somehow I missed some pictures from the antique mall post. So I'm throwing them in here. But before we see those, I have something else to show you. 

  Monday we finally got to go to the Pompeii exhibit in Cincinnati. It was a big surprise to me to find out that the Cincinnati Museum Center is in an old train station! It's a very art deco train station, built in 1933, but partially gutted and redone. It looks great though. 

Tammy World, however, could do with having her hair combed. That comes from traveling in my pocket.

To read about it you can go HERE. Another big surprise was that passenger trains still run from that station! Trains carry passengers to Washington, D.C. and Chicago a couple of times a week, from the Cincinnati station.

  As for the Pompeii exhibit, like the Titanic exhibit,  it was disappointingly small. It had some great stuff though. I've always been fascinated by the story of Pompeii too, and always wanted to go there. At this point, that's almost certainly never going to happen, so this was as close as I can get. 

  Tammy World represents me as a kid, so obviously she wasn't going to want to miss the Pompeii exhibit.


Thank goodness for elevators and escalators. We were pooped.

This alabaster urn looks old, but the clear glass vessel could be fairly modern.

  The pieces in this mosaic floor were smaller than a dime. Can you imagine how long it took to put down a whole floor?!

  Even the pattern of the holes in this colander was beautiful.

  My sister saw this picture and said, "Jack Black!" Duh Mick! There are two of them. It's obviously Tenacious D!

  I'd have that sink in my bathroom.

  I wouldn't pass on this table either.

  Some of the things had obviously been broken and repaired. Not surprising. But this glass thing with the pointy tip hadn't been broken. Now that's amazing!

  Ew! Naked Wayne Newton!

  Oh. It's Wayne again.

  And yes, I accidentally missed some pictures from that antique mall trip! So here are the leftovers.

A wooden doll by Robert Raikes.

  I really want one of these 1/6 scale vintage style gas pumps!

  These bird pictures are really pretty, if I don't think about where and how they got the feathers.

Here are a couple of Blue Bonnet Sue dolls, advertising Blue Bonnet Margarine, my margarine of choice.

She believes in always keeping one eye open!

This baby looks really familiar.

  That's it for today. But we've got something else interesting coming up! See you very soon!


  1. Ooo, that train station is to die for! Looks like you saw some neat stuff too. I've always wanted to see Pompeii.

    1. See. If you ever come to visit we can go to Cincinnati after Xenia.

  2. That building is beautiful! Reminds me of Grand Central in NYC.

  3. I was fortunate enough to see the Pompeii exhibit when it came to Salt Lake City. It was amazing! I’m so glad you got to see it. I am new to your blog, I’m really enjoying it. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks in advance for your comments.