Saturday, July 20, 2024

Ken in Hospital

   Just to say that I don't know when I'll be back. Ken is stable and improving, but he is in the hospital after several strokes. Regular updates on the blog's Facebook page. 


  1. Oh Tam, so sorry to hear this. Praying that Ken continues to improve and regains full function. Hugs to you and the kids.
    Teresa F.

  2. 🙏 prayers for Kens full recovery and prayers for you and the kids to get thru. Sending love & good health for all. ♥️

  3. I am so sorry, but glad that he is doing better. My Dad is doing radiation for his cancer, so I have been quiet but still reading your posts. Several strokes is scary, will be praying for you both.

  4. Oh, Tam, I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending many prayers and much love.

  5. oh no, so sorry to hear. glad he is improving. virtual hugs to you and yours.

  6. Hope Ken gets better soon 😔


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