Lori and I got a bit of a late start to the flea market on Saturday. It was a closer flea market so we started out quite a bit later anyway. Then Lori had a friend who needed to borrow some medicine for a horse that wasn't feeling too well. So we waited on the friend to arrive. We finally set off,but stopped on the way to look at a house Lori is thinking of buying. When we arrived at the flea market Lori needed to make a detour to an ATM first. We popped into Walmart to use the ATM and I decided I was hungry. Being a vegetarian means there isn't a lot I can eat at the flea market. About the only things they ever have that I can eat are French fries, (That's Belgian fries to you, Helga.*),and pizza if I'm lucky,(since I don't like potatoes.). Now that I'm on the LPR diet I can't eat the pizza because of the tomato sauce. So we shopped a bit for some drinks and ready to eat food.
Finally we got to the flea market. I had been thinking it was the small one we go to,but it wasn't. This was the BIG flea market.As Lori said,"It's the one we never get all the way around." She was right about that! We didn't manage it this day either.
As it was we didn't get in to the flea market until about 1:00. You'd think the good stuff might be gone by then,but I had a good day. Here is the haul.
Everything in the photos except the Monster High and High School Musical schools in the back came from the flea market on Saturday!
The wooden bed and this wood and metal shelf were from two little girls who were running the stall, supervised by their dad. I thought the shelving unit would be good for 1/6 scale and I could use it in the 1/6
antique store I plan to make,to display vases and things. As it turns
out,the top metal part makes it look way out of scale for 1/6. I guess
it would make a good shelving unit for an 18" doll, but I don't need
that. |
I saw more of the Pillsbury Poppin Fresh doll family I bought from the same people last time. I wanted the dog,which I didn't get in the bag I bought from them because it had two cats instead. But I didn't want to pay $5 for the one dog. So I passed the dog up. I did buy these from them though.
My favourite is the blue bird.It's very detailed. The little doll is a Betsy Clark baby. |
After that I moved on to the next booth where I bought 5 dolls and a bag of doll clothes,as well as these.
I think they were candle holders for very tiny candles. I'll make 1/6 scale lamps out of them. As for the dolls,here they are. There are three unmarked composition dolls,one Betsy Wetsy, and one hard plastic doll.
This baby... |
...with a sweet face... |
...and blushy dimpled knees... |
..this girl... |
..who has teeth... |
...her original wig,and a cloth body... |
...this Betsy Wetsy and this compo Patsy wanna be... |
Betsy was wearing these.Anybody know if they are her originals? |
Anybody recognize the Patsy type doll? |
...and this hard plastic doll.
I think the hard plastic doll is Nanette by Arranbee.
She's marked R&B on the back of her neck.
She's very pretty. We'll talk more about her in a minute. I also got a bag of clothes from the same lady, for $1.
The pink hat is really nice. |
It also contained these shoes...
...these vintage real baby dresses.
...these roller skates...
Who do they fit? |
and whatever this is!
Somebody please tell me what this is! Is it a belt? |
The compo dolls need a lot of help,but I think they will be better off with me helping them find a new home than getting hauled around from flea market to flea market.
The flea market where I found them is one of those dusty outdoor ones,where the stuff ends up really dusty and gets rained on. Hopefully I saved these girls and somebody will want to restore them,because I know I can't.
Speaking of rain before we go on to look at the rest of my haul,it POURED several times while we were at the flea market. The first time we were looking at a stall with rabbits and baby pigs when it began to rain. I was concerned with keeping the compo dolls dry. There was no time to run to shelter. It was too far away anyway. So we crammed ourselves as best we could under the edge of the awning over the rabbits. I tried to keep my cart under the awning. The best I could do for myself was press face first against the rabbit pens. That worked for part of me, but it meant I spent the rest of the day with the seat of my pants soaking wet. Oh well. It was either that or become a candidate for a wet T-shirt contest. And at least the dolls stayed dry!
Later I found this set of Holiday Sisters. It is just about the only set with a Stacie in it that Emma never got. I always loved the coats. And it was half off.
As you can see, I also found Remco Heidi's friend Jan,the waving version.
I also got a couple of DVDs,a Fred and Ginger collection,and one for Ken,'The Apartment'.
The white box under this stack is a cast iron and wood doll sized old fashioned school desk. There was an assembled one on display. I figured this one would be easier to haul around in my cart full of stuff. It looked like it would fit an 18" doll, but I didn't have one handy. Now I think about it,I guess I could have used one of the compo dolls, but at the time it was pouring rain even harder than the time I got my butt wet, and all I could think of was keeping the dolls, and the records I bought for the girls dry.
So yes,I also got some records.
The Monkees for Emma and the Bundle of Joy soundtrack for Ivy. |
I found this wooden chest. It's perfectly doll sized,and apparently hand made.
As I mentioned,I bought this wooden Boyd's Bears bed.
I'm thinking of shabby chic-ing it white, with flowers. Any opinions? |
Lori and I had a really great day, even with all the rain. We met up with her friend who was up from South Carolina, and they had a good visit.
All the dolls I got have issues,but the hard plastic Arranbee doll has a particular problem,which we'll talk about in our next post.
* My friend Helga lives in Belgium. When I visited her I found out quickly that in Belgium they are called 'Belgian fries'!