Whoo Hoo! Sunday was doll show day! I almost didn't go because our one dependable vehicle situation meant that I would have to wait until time to take Ken to work at 10Am, to drive the nearly two hours to arrive about 12, at a doll show that opened at 10,and had already let Early Birders in at 9. (I hate the idea of Early Birds. It's not fair and it's stupid.) It hardly seemed worth it. I was fuming, because it's been so long since I was able to go to a doll show,and this one was just going to slip through my fingers. In the end I decided to go anyway,because otherwise I was just going to simmer all day and be in a foul mood when Ken got home, feeling I'd been short changed.
So I went. The last doll show I went to had lots of beautiful stuff,but almost NOTHING I could afford. I picked up a few really cheap fixer uppers,and a beautiful bargain Sample Skipper. But this doll show had all kinds of affordable goodies that were.amazingly,still there at noon and even later,since I was still finding things at 2:15,when I left.
It wasn't a huge show,but there were all kinds of interesting things.
Like these interesting,but expensive kids. |
There were many beautiful antique dolls.
These Effanbee Patsy or Patsy type dolls. |
This 'Grumpy' doll and his more pleasant friend. |
This beautiful Shirley Temple,who wasn't a bad price,but was still out of my range. She was one of the first things I came across. |
| | | |
This was Shirley's neighbour. |
This lovely and expensive lady and her cute,and more affordable friend. |
These cute Ginnys. |
But,yuck! These cats were made of real hair! |
There were also a good amount of vintage Barbies, a Tammy or two,a few Penny Brite dolls,Crissy and Family,and a Tiny Chatty Brother,(You can see my childhood Tiny Chatty Brother
HERE.), who was in a case and only $15! I even spotted two or three Deluxe Reading Dream Kitchens in box. (You can see mine
HERE.) I considered this bendy Furga Vittoria at only $15.
I also was fond of this very affordable guy. The seller offered him to me for $24.
The seller had him marked as a 1920's doll by Madam Hendren. I didn't think he looked very 1920's. She also said she thought these were his original clothes, but looking on the internet now I see that the clothes belong to Madam Hendren's Sonny/Sunny Boy,but this guy isn't him.
I liked this girl.
But I still had half the room to go,so I was reserving my funds until I had seen more. I really loved these Baps dolls,especially the little girl.
But the kids were $28 each. Just as well. It would have been a shame to break up the family!
You can see my only Baps doll,which was a rescue at the last doll show I went to,
This girl was nice, but what I
really liked was her coat!
There was this great looking Alice marionette.
I was disappointed she was only plastic though,and too expensive for me.
I made a note to maybe go back for this amazing Nora Wellings girl with glass eyes.
She was an amazing $15,but I was still trying not to spend too much money. I made note of this girl too. She was $10.
I liked these HEbee SHEbee dolls,and I had been wanting one, but they were about $60.
I considered this doll. She was slightly smaller than a Pepper or Penny Brite,but could definitely live in their world.
In the end most of the dolls I bought were $1,$2,or $5. The most expensive were $18 and $10. Here's the haul.
The first thing I bought was this girl.
She was from the same booth as the Shirley I showed you above. |
She was $5! She doesn't have any cracks on her head. She has a little damage to her fingers,but I can live with that. Her clothes are original,except her socks, and possibly her shoes. They are old though. I'm going to wash her dress and bonnet.She has a compo head/chest plate and arms, and her body and legs are stuffed cloth.
I also went back for this girl.
She has a pressed cloth face like a boudoir doll,a stuffed cloth body, and ceramic arms and legs.Her hair needs some touch up. I'm not sure I can fix it,but she's pretty. I got her for $5,not 10. If she had been 10 I would have wavered more
between her and the Nora Wellings,which I did not get. She's 'the one
that got away',and I am now wishing I had bought her! I was trying to
return home with
some money though,and she would have pretty much cleaned me out.
These 'twins' were from the same lady who had the Nora Wellings.
They're hard plastic and were only a dollar apiece. I couldn't break them up. I think they'll make for nice pictures in the Spring. So the prices on some things were pretty good. The seller was clearing out a lot of stuff before moving. That's why the twins were $1 each and the Nora Wellings was so cheap. She had a basket full of dolls for $2 each. I got three of the $2 dolls. One was this Polish artist doll.
I'm not sure about her. I like her, but in a way, I don't. Hmm.
She has her tag.
She was originally an expensive handmade doll.
Her shoes are made to look like the toes are coming apart and are signed on the sole.
Besides this Polish girl she sold me these $2 dolls.
The boy does have arms. The coat is over his shoulders and his arms aren't in the sleeves. |
And if these prices weren't good enough,I replaced a childhood Happy Herman doll for $1.
He's a little sun faded,but that's ok.
Also $1 was this little ceramic girl.
I have some ceramic figures from when I was a kid that look similar to her. By the way,please excuse her somewhat unfortunately placed shirt polka dots.
And these two dolls were 25 CENTS each!
I have a whole group of these dolls from different countries. This is an older one. |
This guy reminds me of a really old cartoon. |
If 25 cents isn't cheap enough for you, I got these mittens for free.
At another table, I got this beautiful Todd for $4.
His arms and leg wires are shot, but he has great colour. I can always put the head on another body.
The little guy below Todd was so cute I had to get it to hang out with my other similar dolls. You can see him in the above picture of the twins too.
I did go back and buy the little German girl.
She was $4. Her shirt and skirt are two separate pieces,and her shoes and socks are painted on. She also has cloth undies.
She was at the same table with the Alice marionette and the HEbee SHEbee dolls. When I went back for her I noticed that there were also smaller HEbee SHEbee dolls,in box, for only $10. So I caved.
These were about 6 inches tall. This is a birthday one.
One seller sold me this dress and hat combo for $2.
And there's that little knitted guy again. He's an 'amigurumi'. |
That's not bad, but she also sold me my most expensive buy of the day, this Horsman Dimples for $18.
That's pretty cheap for a Dimples. It's because he's been redone,and his lips aren't done very well. I figure I can touch them up though. Otherwise he's such a cute little...ok,BiG guy.
...even if he does somewhat resemble Curly Howard. |
While I was out taking these pictures on Sunday,I noticed my daffodils are coming up.
I took the pictures as soon as I got home on Sunday,because it was fairly warm, and the forecast predicted rain or snow for the rest of the week. This post should have been up Monday at the latest, but Blogger keeps crashing! So, finally!