Friday, August 9, 2024

Ken is Doing Well

   Yes, Ken is doing well. He is walking with help from the therapist, but not ready to go with a cane or walker just yet. He has to get the strength up in that left leg. He can lift it and bend and unbend the knee now, so that's a start. His arm is starting to be able to move a little, and he can clench my fingers with his pinky and the two next to it. He's starting to get some movement back in his thumb. His vision is still missing the peripheral in the left eye. He has to learn to compensate. Yesterday we had a visit from a volunteer who had a stroke ten years ago, at age 59. He lost all speech, the use of his right arm and leg, and all vision in one eye. He was at the same rehab place Ken is. He was there for a month, I think, and after that in out patient therapy for a month or so. He got the use of his leg back, with the help of a brace he uses, all his vision, and his speech. He still has some  trouble enunciating, an no use of his right arm, but he is going strong and probably drove himself to the rehab hospital, where he comes once a week to talk to patients and encourage them. He also goes to another rehab hospital once a week. His story was very inspiring. Let's hope Ken can do as well. He's starting out a bit ahead of the other guy, as Ken only lost his peripheral vision in his left eye, and can still speak. Please keep cheering Ken on in your hearts, sending healing thoughts, good wishes, positive vibes, and prayers, He can use it all, and we appreciate it. The positive energy will come his way. I read him all your words of encouragement from the comments, and the blog's Facebook page, where I post regular updates and photos. You can fine the link to the Facebook page in the sidebar. Thanks again.


  1. Dear Tam, I have been missing for a while and I am just checking back. I am so sorry to hear your news. Please know that I will be praying for you and for Ken.

  2. That's great news! I'll keep the prayers coming, but he sounds like he's coming on very well. Hey, if you need anything please let Barb or me know. We both have been praying hard.

  3. Hello there!! All best wishes for Ken from Poland!! You're doing good, keep fighting! Warmest regards to both of you!! :)

  4. Tam, I am sending all the positive thoughts and prayers I can muster! Hang in there! Sending you much love as well.

  5. I'm glad that he is progressing, and hope the recovering continues well! Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Will keep you all in my prayers.


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