Monday, August 5, 2024

Ken"s Moving His Leg!

   Just for those who are interested and not following the updates on the blog's Facebook page: Ken is moving his left leg now! He has been able to push with his foot, but he is now bending and unbending hi knee, crossing his legs in bed, and generally moving that leg all over the bed now! He has two more weeks at the rehab hospital, so hopefully he can get much farther before he comes home. Of course, Fuzz and I will be continuing to work with him when he comes home. He can also squeeze my fingers with three fingers. His shoulder has been tremoring too, which they say is possibly a sign that his arm is waking up. Let's hope so! He is still missing peripheral vision in that left eye, but doing well and tested average memory for men his age, and he beat me at Connect Four the last time we played! He's doing so well, but really hates balloon volley ball! Please continue your good wishes, prayers, positive vibes and thoughts. 


  1. That is all great news! Steve had some similar experiences. At first he was unable to move his right arm or right leg. He first was able to move his right leg a little
    . It took longer before he could move his right arm. Little by little things improved. He eventually was able to stand and transfer he had months of therapy after hospital
    . When he first came home he could go up stairs by dragging his right leg behind him. He walked with a cane for months. He would go to therapy on a county bus for the elderly and handicapped because I wanted him to be able to do some things on his own. I also still work. Now he can walk and he can drive. He still has more difficulty with his right hand and some slight balance issues. He still has some rough days but, he can walk and drive me. I continue to pray for Ken and you. I'm Claire by the way. Ive been following your blog for awhile, I'm just not real computer savvy so that is why you have not heard from me.

    1. Thank you do much for braving the computer world to tell us this. (I am not very good with most computer things either. The blog is slmost as far as I go!) Ken needs inspiration and confidence now, and your husband's story can help with that. I appreciate it and your good wishes.

  2. Yeah πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ great news! So happy Ken’s responding well with the therapy! Continuing prayers for a full recovery so he can come home to be with his family soon! 😊

  3. That's great! Sounds like he's coming a long way in a short time.

    1. He has really, but he still feels discouraged. He's trying hard though.

  4. So happy for you both! Thanks for updating here too, I don't really go on FB anymore.


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