Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ken's Doing Great and Staying For Another Week!

   Ken is doing so well that he has been approved for another week at the rehab hospital. More info below the pictures.

He just wants to ho home, and sees it as punishment. What it really means is that he is making such good progress that both the facility and the insurance are bothering to keep him here.  And he is improving so much. He can stand for short periods with only something to hold onto. He is getting more movement in his hand. Today he mamaged to roll himself onto his side. He is working so hard. I'm proud of him. Tomorrow Fuzz and I have a class on helping him. But with another week of therapy, he may not need as much help by then. Thanks for all your continued wishes, thoughts, prayers, etc. Keep it up! The bottom two pictures arefrom today. 


  1. My great aunt broke her ankle about twelve years back and had to live in a nursing home for six weeks. She wanted to go home too! She did what her doctors told her to do, but oh Lordy, she didn't like it! LOL, I'm glad to see that Ken is continuing to improve. He's got a BIG smile in that first picture!

  2. Keep up the good work, Ken!!

  3. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ GOOD JOB KEN ! Great to hear he’s making forward progress!! Blessings to you and the kids for getting him thru this.
    Stay positive πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§!

  4. Good to hear that Ken is doing better.

    How are you doing?


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