Thursday, February 22, 2018

What the??? Stop stealing my pictures you other web sites!

  I am getting pretty fed up with finding my photos on other sites. What really pees me off is when I find them being offered for download on various sites. Hey! I didn't say you could steal the pictures, let alone offer them to other people for stealing! I don't mind if someone asks and wants to use an ordinary boxed doll picture for reference purposes. (Or even doesn't ask if it's something like that.) I  do mind when somebody steals a photo, especially if it's one  I've tried to be artistic with,and not just a stock type picture of a boxed doll. I spend a lot of time taking pictures for the blog, especially when I was posting a doll every day. I take time to edit the pictures too. I didn't do the work so somebody could just claim the pictures as their own. I ran across one doll collector's blog where she used an entire posts worth of my photos on her blog. It was a photo heavy post too,(Puppetrina.) so it was over 30 photos! She posts on dolls she doesn't even own, so she has to steal the pictures from other people. It's one thing, as I said, to use a photo of a boxed doll for reference. But she used loads of creative,artistic photos from loads of people. She gives credit at the end of her post,but just a general list of places she obtained the pictures, so nobody gets credit for their own work. And even with the credits given,she didn't even ask.
  I have vented now. But please think twice if you are thinking of using someone else's work.


  1. I have had six months of posts copied other someone else name. So I know how mad you are! I have seen my pictures on Facebook and not given credit. I do think Pinterest has made things worst. I am surprised that you can pin pictures without asking permission but you can!

    1. Six months! That's a lot of posts! Did they actually post them in their entirety as their own? How do people justify that behavior?! I'm on the fence about Pinterest. There I kind of think it's ok, because it's people saving things they like for one reason or another,and not claiming them as their own. A lot of Pinterest posts even tell you where the picture originated,and sometimes link it. I think that is the best situation. If they link to your page it benefits both of you and everybody gets their due credit.

    2. I agree with you, Tam, about Pinterest, although maybe that's because I use Pinterest a lot! And you can generally get to the original photo, unless the pinner did a really poor search to find the pin. I have to admit I was still really surprised one day to come across one of my own pictures on Pinterest! It wasn't a doll, though, but a picture of an antique photo that I own.

      I had several of my posts/essays on my personal blog stolen without credit. How do you know if any of your pictures have been stolen? For my writing, I could search for specific phrases, which is how Mr. BTEG found the guy stealing my writing. I wouldn't know if someone was using my photos. I did do an image search for some of my rarer dolls, and the only images that came up were all from my blog.

    3. Sometimes I Google a particular doll to see if my photos show up,or just the blog name. Some of the sites that are offering the pictures for download still come up in the image search for my blog name, even though I can't find the name shown on their site anywhere. I haven't thought about searching for my writing. Most of my stuff is information, but I do make things personal a lot of the time, or write about things,like my Oscar Week posts or the red head stuff,that somebody might steal. I might check on that now you mention it. What did you do about your stolen essays?

    4. I called the person out on my blog, and also was in communication with a big-time blogger who said person was also taking stuff from, although he was crediting the big-time people. Supposedly this person was trying to start some sort of aggregate using other people's work. He apologized to me on my blog, and I don't think the page he was trying to start went anywhere.

  2. Thus why I have to utilize an ugly old watermark on my pictures now. I doubt that'll stop her, but at least viewers will know the image isn't hers. I wish you the best of luck in combating this thievery.

    1. There's probably no way to stop it. I suppose there's a way to remove the watermark if you know how to do that sort of thing. I don't even know how to out one on!

  3. I have had the very same done to me, and I too find it extremely annoying. I even had a guy on Facebook put photos of one of my BJDs saying "this is my new doll"....I wouldn't have known anything about it except that a friend saw the post and contacted me asking if I'd sold her. I tried reporting it to FB but didn't get anywhere with that. I sent the guy a message and he ignored it. It's very frustrating.

    1. That guy seriously craves attention apparently. I don't suppose we'll ever be able to stop it. The internet's like that I guess. I hate to have to watermark them. Not that that would help anyway.


Thanks in advance for your comments.