Monday, August 21, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #225: Caco Toddler

   Some of you may be familiar with my dollhouse dolls, and my love for Caco dolls. Well, a while back my sister and I were at a toy show, and I bought a whole tray of stuff for $5. I really only wanted a few things out of it, especially today's doll. But the whole tray was $5, so I took it. So here he is:

He's a Caco doll. Or is he a she?

Caco dolls are made in Germany, as you can see.

I suppose it could be a girl, as it's dressed in pink and seems to have a furry collar.

Whichever it is, it's quite small. I was excited to find it, especially for less than $5. (Remember, I got everything for $5.)

I had been wanting a little brother for Jeffrey and Kay, but Caco dolls don't come cheap. This little guy is perfect, except for one thing: He's still in his package! I want to play with him, but I can't help thinking that he's still in package and I could get by with a used one That there is something to be said for collecting things in their package, and I should leave him that way for someone who collects that kind. I could play with one that isn't so perfect, and this guy would probably sell for enough to buy a used one and have money left over.

  This one is the perfect size to be maybe a four year old, next to Jeffrey and Kay. And this one looks like one that age, not like the last guy who looks like a shrunken Jeffrey. This kid is the same size as the shrunken Jeffrey, but looks young enough to be that size. I really wanted a brother for Jeffrey and Kay, so if I were to open this one, maybe it will be Amanda's little sister. 

Jeffrey compared, Jeffrey approved.

  So I'm torn. I really want to open this kid, but I'd feel a bit evil doing it. What do you think? Is it wrong to open something that has made it so far unopened? For the record, this is a later Caco, not the originals with the lead hands and feet. This one has plastic hands and feet, and is maybe 1960's or '70's. Maybe even later, for all I know. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. I know you are are going to tell me to open her.

  See you tomorrow.  


  1. I understand your dilemma, I wouldn't open it: D
    When I see auctions with dolls in boxes, dolls that I collect, I do not want to buy them, because I do not intend to spoil their packaging and regret to buy and not play with it: D

    1. Exactly. Some people like to collect in package stuff, and there isn't always a lot of that around. So when there's one in pack, it seems wrong to spoil it.

  2. Dear Tam, of course we are going to tell you to open her because it is YOUR doll and you want to play with her. If someone wants to find one that is unopened she or he can do that. In the meantime, you have already created a space in the doll family for this doll so why not allow her to take that space?

    If you really want to sell her then I say put her up for sale for one week or two weeks. If she doesn't sell then she is yours forever and you can then open the bag.

    How about that! I argued both sides (laugh).

    1. You make many good points and haev agood idea. Ken suggests I do sell her and buy one I want. The question is always, can I find one that suits me that is affordable? Maybe I should try that first and base opening/selling this one on whether I manage to replace her.

  3. Open it. Life is short.🙂

  4. Something to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to sell a doll is the time and effort that will be needed to research both a fair market price and to estimate semi-accurate shipping costs, not to mention to write the listing, post the doll, and ship the doll. That's a time investment you won't get back, whether the doll sells or not. Also, if you're selling through a site like Ebay and/or using online payment methods, there will be fees involved as well. In most cases, I find that it's not worth the time for me to go through all of that. But then, I don't think anything I've ever downsized from my collection has been extremely valuable.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Oh I'm well aware of the pain in the neck selling can be. We've done it for years. Fees take a huge chunk out of what you make,etc. But I figure my time as free. The main thing is, would I ever really get around to selling her? I procrastinate a lot!

  5. I'm leaning towards open it, but she's your doll and only you can make the decision. Besides, you did want a little boy, amirite?

    1. Yes. that's another factor, although I'll take most any Caco!


Thanks in advance for your comments.