This is part three of the posts on 1/6 scale souvenirs. If you haven't read the other two, now's the time to catch up. And everybody but Dorothy can check out the Facebook page, where I posted a thingy about a doll artist who makes gorgeous realistic dolls.
The kids' dolls 'went' to various places on vacation. In my previous post on the vacations,which you can see
HERE,I showed you some of the photos Ken and I did for the doll emails home. Like this one of Fuzzy the Doll heading up the mountain in Tibet with his guide.
Or this picture of Fuzzy's best friend, Little Purple, petting a yak.
Both of these pictures were done by putting the dolls in front of a photo in a book. The lighting had to match the lighting in the photo. These days all you'd have to do is photo shop the doll in a photo.
When he 'went' to Tibet to track the Yeti,he brought back a hat, which you may have seen in my post on Fuzzy the Doll for Fuzzy's (the kid) birthday one year.
I made the hat out of felt, and painted the design with acrylic paint. It was based on the hats in this photo.
I loved how the lady looked like she was looking at Fuzzy with confusion,but I'm not sure I used this photo because it looked too fake. |
I told you about the emails the dolls sent home, and Fuzzy the Doll's personality in
Part One. If you read that you'll understand when I tell you that Fuzzy the Doll sent an email saying he had met 'the Dolly Llama'. He then sent a follow up email saying he really liked the Dolly Llama and was thinking of bringing him home. "I think I can fit him in my suitcase." When he got home it became more understandable how he could fit 'the
Dolly Llama' in his suitcase and why he spelled it that way.
I made this tiny llama out of wire and some very furry thread. I don't know if you'd call it yarn or thread really. I couldn't find the appropriate fake fur, so I had to wrap the wire with the thread. It worked pretty well. It looked more like a llama than this picture suggests. He looks like a horse in the picture. We couldn't find the Dolly Llama,so I had to resort to this picture that was taken when the dolls got off the plane after their trip. As you can see, they also went to England during the trip,because Fuzzy also brought home a pub sign. The sign is actually a button I found at Hobby Lobby.
Fuzzy was tracking a Yeti,so one of the things he brought home was a 'plaster' cast of a yeti footprint. I made it out of spackle. Luckily the casts they make of footprints are a positive,because that was much easier to make out of spackle,(and without a doll sized yeti foot.) than a negative.
When the dolls went to England they visited London,which I showed you some of their souvenirs from the other day. In addition to those things they also visited the BBC gift shop and brought back little Doctor Who magnets. They were real magnets. I used very thin,almost paper thin,magnets from a free tiny calendar or business card magnet. I used that same magnet type when I made the Beatles magnets Blue brought back from the dolls' trip to Liverpool.
Blue brought home a set of magnets and a pack of postcards. |
The magnets are very thin, but they really stick to metal.
Ringo was Ivy's favourite when she was little. The pictures were cut out of an old Beatlefest catalog. |
I also used them for Blue's souvenirs from Italy.
These magnets sets were made from pictures of real magnet sets from an old PBS Signals catalog. I cut the pictures out of the catalog,glued them to the magnet, and then cut them out all over again.They really work just like the real ones,and you can stick the clothes on the statues. |
Ivy wanted Blue to go to Italy because she loved Topo Gigio. (See my post on Topo Gigio
HERE.) One year Ivy sent her Topo doll along. On another trip her dolls just visited Topo's mother,Mama Gigio.
I don't know what the wooden thing behind Mam's head is, but I like it, and it came in handy as part of Mama's house.'Mama' is a Topo doll,wearing glasses,a vintage embroidered antimacassar as a shawl, and a piece of lace crochet on 'her' head. Blue's sister Rose has 'red sauce' on her face because she loved Mama's red sauce and kept eating it. She liked it so much she brought a jar of it home with her.
The label says 'Mama Gigio's'. This was in Ivy's doll stuff. |
This time I used paint instead of the real thing,after Ivy ate that tea Blue brought back from England! The jar came from Hobby Lobby,or maybe The Dollar Tree. The Dollar Tree sold nail art do dads in jars like that. For a pack of 6 or 8 it was only $1, much cheaper than Hobby Lobby.
I didn't find it, so I can't show you, but Blue also brought back a little biscotti in a paper bag. I made the biscotti out of polymer clay,and the bag out of one of those very thin paper bags they give you at Hallmark or other gift shops.
While they were in Italy Blue also visited Pompeii,because as a kid Ivy shared my fascination with the place.
Blue with a mural 'in' Pompeii. |
Blue and Ivy's other doll,'Swingy Legs'(Yes, that is what Ivy named her.),somewhere above Pompeii. |
From Pompeii Blue brought back a couple of pieces of lava. I scoured the parking lot at Walmart where they had the bags of lava rocks they were selling for use in grills. There are always little pieces of lava scattered around, that have fallen out of the bags. I found a couple of really tiny doll sized pieces,one light coloured, and one black,for Blue.
There was one trip where Fuzzy the Doll went to Hollywood. He brought back some autographed pictures of the stars. True to form though, his emails said someone was going to sell him the Hollywood sign,and he was going to bring it home. Obviously the Hollywood sign is not for sale, and you can't fit a 45 feet tall sign in your suitcase. After a couple of days he decided not to buy the Hollywood sign, and to, instead, buy The Hollywood Bowl. I had forgotten about this, until Fuzzy and I were sorting through his doll stuff for me to do these posts,and Fuzz picked something out of the stuff and said,"Here's the Hollywood Bowl."
Fuzzy's Hollwood balloon,which is part of a floral thingy,his autographed pictures,cut from a catalog Lori gave me, and...The Hollywood Bowl. |
Well, the kids found it amusing.
Blue also brought back some 'signs' from Italy. They are below,right. They are scrapbooking stickers,but they are thick plastic,and since they have been cut out for a while they are curling up,which makes them look like ashtrays.On the left is a packet of French Baker Recipe Cards Blue brought back from France.
I think I must have cut them from a catalog. The tiny plastic packets were cut down from some kind of packets,and sealed with tape cut into a thin strip.
Emma's doll went to France too. You may have seen this picture of Emma the Doll and her best friend Susan in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Regular reader Dorothy made a comment about the dolls not having to worry about taking too much on the plane. I'm not sure if she meant they didn't have to pack anything,or if there was no weight restriction. But to clear up any confusion about the dolls' luggage,let me tell you that the kids did pack luggage for the dolls. They sent clothes for while they were away. I actually went to the trouble of changing the dolls' clothes for the different pictures they sent home. Every detail was thought of! |
Emma the Doll,ever the fashionable Diva, brought back an original Paris dress, with matching hat and clutch purse.
This type of hat is called a 'picture hat'. |
I found the fabric at Joann's, It has French places and things printed on it. Since Emma's birth I had gone from someone who never sewed,to someone who still sewed badly,but could sew and design a dress and accessories. I think I may also have provided the sunglasses.
Emma had the peace sign necklace on her already,and she's been wearing the clear bead necklace ever since it was sewn on her when she was "Anastasia" with Emma for Halloween. |
As I have mentioned before,Fuzzy the Doll went to various places in Africa, including Egypt,and a diamond mining region. Here's his map,which he brought back with him.
I think he may also have brought back some tiny 'gold' nuggets. I'm sure he brought money back with him too. When we started these vacations,we printed one sided doll sized money,but eventually we got good enough at it that we were able to do two sided things.
Fuzzy brought back these necklaces for everybody. This one is Blue's.
He also brought back some African masks. They were buttons made to look like African masks, that I found somewhere,probably Hobby Lobby.
He brought back the necklace below left for Blue too,I think.
The green bead necklace is Blue's 'jade' necklace from China. I know there is a wrong bead on the metal bead necklace. It was missing a few beads when I found it. I miraculously found two of the beads it was missing...and lost them...and found them again!...and lost them...Every time I tried to put them back on,I'd drop them and lose them again. When I thought I had found the right ones and gotten them back on,I noticed in this picture that one of them was wrong! Amazingly enough I found the third missing bead and replaced the wrong one!
Until I go through Emma's things at some point,that seems to be the end of the doll souvenirs that I have to photograph. There are a lot more things I made for the dolls,but for now,I'll gave you a break!