Friday, October 13, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #276: Sweet Sue Sophisticate

 Today's doll came from the toy show I went to the other day. She's Sweet Sue Sophisticate.

  Hey, I tried not to buy this doll. The dealer came at me, offering her, and my sister tried to get me to buy her. But she was $45. I said no, and the dealer told me to make an offer. My sister pushed me to go ahead and make one. I said no, because I didn't want to make the dealer mad by offering a low price. He kept saying to go ahead, because he wouldn't be offended. My sister pushed on. I said, "Oh, I think he'd be mad if I offered $20." Wouldn't you know it! The dealer said, "That's just what I was thinking, $20." Crap! Trapped like a rat! So I took her. She is very nice though.

  Sweet Sue was made by the American Character Doll Company between 1951 and 1961, in various sizes. She started out as a large walker doll, and a smaller doll in  a variety of sizes. (You can see my two HERE and HERE.) Sweet Sue Sophisticate appeared in 1957. She was made in two sizes, 14" and 20". This one is 20" tall.

She has a face that really does look like a more mature Sweet Sue.

She has big blue eyes with some gold in them.

Her lower lashes are painted, and she has brush lashes on top. Her eyebrows are only a couple of brush strokes.

She has sleep eyes.

While we're in close, let's look at her jewelry. She has pearls earrings, (mine is missing one), and a necklace.

Her dress is midnight blue taffeta.

It has a V neckline, and cap sleeves, trimmed with black lace.

The bodice is accentuated with a gold trimmed 'jewel'.

It's a very pretty dress, and in good shape, except for one thing...

A patch! There's a ding dang PATCH on the back, at her shoulder! A hunk of black velvet that shouldn't oughta be there!

  Crap! Taken again! I need to react more slowly!

The hemline of the dress is sort of scalloped and puffed. I don't know how to describe it.

Here's that sleeve trim again. and that *%#@* PATCH!

  The dress has a built in tulle underskirt and slip. Her you can kind of see the elastic or whatever around the hem.

She also has undies, and stockings.

I could not decide which feet these shoes went on. Both ways looked wrong. There is also a strap that goes at the back, over the heel. This one's straps are a bit stretched.

  Her hair is quite long, but still curled and in the original set.

She even still has her curled bangs.

It's brown, but came off a little red when I used the flash.

She has a few bobby pins in her hair, holding it in place, but I don't know if they're original.

 She's quite a pretty doll.

She would have originally had what i think is called a headband hat or half hat, in a fabric that matched her dress, and a black purse.

She has very elegant arms, I think. Of course, there's that PATCH again!!

I love the colour and fabric of her dress.

I might not keep her. She was a good deal. (A much better deal before I knew about that patch!) I thought it would have been silly to pass her up, even if I di get rid of her later.

And I guess I cave under pressure.

  That's today's doll, See you tomorrow,  


  1. What a beautiful doll! I love her face. I have a little Toni doll but her face is slightly different. Your doll still has lovely hair. I will look her up in my American Character book to see if I can find her in the outfit and let you know about the shoes.

    The patch doesn't bother me so much. You could get a little shawl to put around her shoulders to hide the patch.

    I bought a doll from someone who showed her to me in a Zoom gathering. When the doll arrived, I noticed that she had kind of purple-blue eyes. I thought they were a bit vibrant. I asked a friend who had the doll also. She told me that the dolls were supposed to have brown eyes. Hmmm. Well I found out that my doll's eyes had turned. Nothing I could do about it. The eyes don't look too bad right now. I just hope they don't turn anymore. She makes me think of the song "don't it make my brown eyes blue?" (laugh).

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking! A stole or something around her shoulders. Or a detachable black velvet collar. Maybe you could pretend your doll with the purple eyes is Elizabeth Taylor. : ) As for this doll's shoes, I have seen others and they should just be sling back heels. I thought at first maybe the elastic was supposed to be wrapped around the ankles, but no. The stretch is just all stretched out in them.

  2. Wow! Forty-five bucks is a steal for this dolly!


Thanks in advance for your comments.