Monday, March 6, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #59: Fashionista #91

   Today's doll is one Emma bought at the doll show. One of us was going to buy her for sure, and Emma had more money. (And is living in her own house, so she doesn't have to worry about being frowned upon for bringing too much stuff into it, like I do.) She's Fashionista #91, from the Barbie Fashionistas line.

  She's wearing her original clothes, but she also came with a white bracelet, and white shoes.
  She is made to resemble an African American woman with Albinism, so she has quite a fair skin tone and blue eyes.

And freckles.

She also has a fabulous head of white hair.

 She has the Petite body type, so she's a little shorter than the standard Barbie.

She has unbendable legs, but she can move her arms out from her sides, as well as back and forth.

She can also tilt her head up and down, and sideways a little bit..

  This doll came out in 2017, so it was lucky finding her in her original outfit, or even at all, for $4.

  That's today's doll. See you again tomorrow.


  1. I freaking LOVE this doll! I named mine "Dandelion" due to that hair.

  2. Well someone got a bargain! Isn't it a nice surprise when you do? Too often we find dolls on the secondary market at much higher than retail recommended prices and it's a real bummer.
    Enjoy your dolls!
    Big hugs,

    1. I find you can get much better deals on dolls at shows sometimes, than you can online. Some dealers don't research the value of every doll they get. They just price them to make sure they make money on them, and that's good enough.

  3. Can she not move her legs if you take off that skirt?

    1. Of course. I just meant she doesn't have bendable knees.

  4. Tam, I learn something new in your posts nearly every day! I also love doll shows for that reason--I collect vintage Barbie/doll cases, and often, dealers don't want to bring big items back home, so I get a good deal on them if I am driving!

    1. Thanks. Do you have many doll shows where you are? I find there are hardly any vintage Barbies or related things at doll shows these days. There is one show I go to that is almost all fashion dolls, but even at that one there aren't many vintage Barbies.


Thanks in advance for your comments.