Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #74: Pretty Choices Barbie

   I know. I didn't post yesterday. I was sick. Throwing up and worse. You get the idea. I slept most of the day. So now I am a full week behind for the year. So i figured I'd better get something up today. I do feel better, and no more throwing up, etc., but this is one of those times when it's good I have some pictures to fall back on. Today's doll is one from the giant box of boxed Barbies that survived a soaking wet box due to thick styrofoam packing in the bottom of the box, and a vintage metal tray in the top of the box. The tray caught the water going in, and the styrofoam protected the contents from whatever standing water was below. In any case, she's Pretty Choices Barbie.

This doll is from 1996, the heyday of Barbie collecting.

This is actually the harder to find version, with the brunette hair. Most of them had blonde hair.

She has the Superstar head sculpt. It was popular for years, but personally, I never liked it.

The extra long hair tells you this was a doll intended for hair play. As such, she came with extra do dads for her hair.

She wears a ridiculously short dress. and panty hose.

  This was the era when every store wanted to jump on the Barbie band wagon by having their own exclusive Barbie dolls. Stores like K-Mart, Service Merchandise, Toys R Us, and, in this case, Walmart, had dolls that were sold only in their stores. This particular doll also contributed to Children's Miracle Network with it's sales.

  That's the doll for today. I'll get back to normal tomorrow, (I hope.) See you then.


  1. I’ve always thought this doll is so pretty and I’d like to own her own day. I don’t like her dress, but I love her hair and eye combo. I’ve never been a huge fan of the superstar sculpt (especially the 90’s version of it), but I really like superstars with brown hair.
    - Korglady

    1. You can have this one! I need to get rid of lots of stuff! $15and shipping. If you're interested, email me, or remind me of your email in a comment.

  2. I owned this doll. She was a fun one to own, but her shoes never stayed on and THAT got old!

    1. The shoes not staying on goes way back to the beginning of Barbie! We had Swirl ponytail Barbies that wore those stupid mules, and if you think those things stayed on, I've got news for you!

  3. Her face is familiar because the 80's had lots of superstar faces. I am kind of surprised she has pantyhose when she is a 90s doll! And sounds like you had norovirus. Short lived but intense and unforgettable. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I looked up norovirus, and that sure fits the bill. I think when I was a kid they just called it intestinal flu. There were definitely a lot of Superstar face Barbies! As for those pantyhose, you know those things must be impossible to get on with those rubber legs!

  4. I'm sorry you got sick. :( Glad to hear you're on the mend.

    I've never been a big fan of the superstar face, either, but similar to what a fellow commenter said, I do tend to like the superstar face when they have dark hair, then especially if their eyes are also any color but blue.

    So yeah, this particular doll is quite striking -- facially, at least, and in her coloring.

    But I'll always take a brunette or titan hair Barbie over a blonde, I tell ya. Just seems kinda special that way.

    1. I find the blonde dolls a bit boring. I men, they ALL have blonde hair. Doll companies really think people prefer blonde hair, and I'm not sure they do, at least, these days.


Thanks in advance for your comments.