Sunday, October 27, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #299: Asian Lady

  Today's doll is this beautiful lady.

She also came out of the tub of dolls we had to to sell, but may just find her way into my collection.

She's quite tall. She stands over a foot tall.

She looks to be from the 1960's. She has quite a bee hive.

There's a little glue showing in the back of it.

She has a pressed fabric face.

She's sort of like a Pose Doll,with her pressed fabric face and her wired fabric fingers. Unlike pose dolls though, her arms and legs seem to be covered in a more cotton type fabric than the stockingette covering Pose Dolls have.

Her hand looks really twisted, but I tried to bend it into a more realistic position and it wouldn't really bend. I was afraid of breaking her hand,so I let it be.

  When I was a kid I loved this type of dress, and I still do. Ivy was obsessed with China when she was little, and she had a couple of dresses similar to this one.

This doll is wearing plastic high heel shoes. Her one foot is sneaking out of the shoe. I've worn high heels, and I don't blame it.

  That's the doll for today. Progress continues with packing away Ivy's closet.which is still stuffed with toys. I keep coming across dolls I want to show you. That will be coming in November,so stay tuned! In the meantime,come back tomorrow for another doll.


  1. She's really a very attractive doll and that's saying something coming from me with my dislike of cloth dolls! Her hairstyle is very nice and so is the dress.

  2. I can't believe how nice her hair is for being packed away!


Thanks in advance for your comments.