Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #72: Lapsitter Natalie

  Lori and I are headed south today. I have scheduled the rest of the week's posts to go on,and Ken will make sure they go on one way or another. I wanted to give a heads up to anybody who was tempted by the post on Hair Fair barbie the other day: We went to Tuesday Morning on Sunday (?!), and they have the reproduction Hair Fair Barbie,as well as some Silkstones.
  Now for today's doll... Oh no! Not another Lapsitter! But I found her at Goodwill recently, and look how nice she is!

She's Lapsitter Natalie.

She was made by Fisher Price in 1974.

She is the nicest Lapsitter doll I have ever found.They usually tend to be a bit grubby.with messy hair and their clothes often missing.But Natalie is perfect!

Their bodies are made to look like clothes,but they have outer clothes that go over that. Natalie has her dress,and even her bonnet.

Beautiful silky hair.

You may have seen my posts on other Lapsitters HERE,HERE,and HERE.

  That's it for today. Check back tomorrow to what(and if!) I post!


  1. What a cutie. She definitely makes me happy when I look at her.
    Happy trails! (That reminds me, I bet there are Roy and Dale dolls somewhere -laugh)

  2. She's a very cute little lapsitter. I've never heard of lapsitter dolls but I will go and look at your other posts, if I haven't seen them already :)

  3. I want to say thank you for the heads up on the Hair Fair Barbie! I went to Tuesday Morning (on Thursday!) and they did have one there! I’m so excited to finally have one!

    1. Oh good! I hoped mine wasn't the only one with some left.

  4. My mom has said that she feels a little sorry for older dolls when they're found in pristine condition, because it means they were never loved. But I know a lot of collectors prefer dolls that look fresh out of the box, because they display better. As for me, I don't like having vintage dolls that are too nice, because I worry that I'll accidentally damage them.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. I kind of feel that a mint doll is going to be wasted on me because I don't know how to take care of them like I should. When I see a really worn doll or toy I always think,"Aw! That's been somebody's lovey!" It's a little sad, because I wonder why they didn't want(or need!) it any more.Apparently the next Toy Story movie has the toys at a thrift store! Wahhhhhh!!! (I always felt Andy should have kept them!)

  5. I have this same doll from my childhood and I love her so much.

  6. This was my favorite doll as a child, unfortunately she was lost to me when my father passed and we could not find the information to the storage unit he’d left all of our childhood belongings in.


Thanks in advance for your comments.