Saturday, December 30, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #364:Libby Littlechap

  I have just realized that I have been a day off since day 322! I noticed when I had no days left numerically, and yet I was not on New Year's eve. I've corrected the numbers now.
  We're almost out of 2017 posts! Tomorrow is the last day of the year. Before we run out,today's doll is this girl.

She's Libby Littlechap.

She's part of the Littlechap family,made by Remco in 1964.

Libby is the youngest child of Doctor John Littlechap, and his wife Lisa.


Their older daughter is Judy, who is apparently a teenager.

The Littlechaps are a weird bunch of dolls. They are much larger than Barbie and friends, or even Tammy's family. Libby is supposed to be 10 years old,and she measures 10 1/4" tall. So you can imagine how tall the doctor is.

They all have broad stances and arms that stand out at their sides in a weird way.

Libby has a ponytail and bangs.

The Littlechaps were supposed to represent a Kennedy-like family,(and were pulled after President Kennedy's assassination),and yet, while the Kennedy's had a very young son and  daughter and were known for their (supposed) attractiveness, the Littlechaps have two older daughters and are really strange looking.

Look at those faces. They're like The Aliens Next Door.

Seriously,what is the deal with Libby?

The Littlechaps were sold in terrycloth wraps.

How come only the Doc gets a real robe?!

That kind of limited their play value. They were also available as dressed dolls,so who was going to buy the bathrobe dolls? Who wants to buy a naked,or might as well be naked,doll,and then have to put out more money to buy clothes for it because it's such a weird size it can't share clothes with any of your other dolls,which you are more likely to have because they are more popular,(And don't look like some other planet's idea of what humans look like)?!

They did have some nice, well made clothes though. Well,he was a doctor. They had money.
I will give The Littlechaps this,there were some nice playsets sold to go with them.

Their 'family room' looks more like it could be one of the girls' bedrooms.

Oh. I guess there was a reason for that.

Check this out.The doctor's office counts as a 'furnished room' in their house. I guess the doctor works out of their house.

Speaking of the doctor's office, it is great! I want this thing!

This looks so much like the doctor's office I went to as a kid,right down to the checked tile floor,(My doctor's was black and white though.),except where is the swivel stool? That's the best part of any doctor's office decor!
I ended up with Libby because she was in a load of auction stuff.


She isn't a doll I would have bought on purpose, and yet, I have kept her and plan on buying her outfit because, not only was she naked when I got her,but this is pretty much the same outfit I had as a kid!

Her hat is not a hat,but more of an ear muff thing I guess.
There are some slight differences, like my red and blue plaid coat had a hood,and my school bag had red and blue plaid on the front of it,but otherwise,she's wearing my clothes and carrying my school bag. Plus I had red snow boots at one point, but they had buckles on the sides. I wore some ugly brown boots with my plaid coat though.One thing Libby avoids with her coat that I had to deal with? When she turns her head it doesn't go into a stiff polyester hood that doesn't turn with her so she can't see!

  I missed getting a really affordable lot with Libby's red velvet dress and the winter coat,hat, boots,mittens, and school bag. Since then I have been watching for another lot. But nothing has come up that has the combination of clothing and price I want.


I was holding out doing this post on Libby until I had snow and the coat. No coat so far, but we definitely have snow!

 There is a load of it! So Libby has had to resort to borrowing this vintage Hong Kong red velvet coat and hand made knitted tam o' shanter.

The sleeves are a bit short for her. That's because she has long monkey arms!
  Tomorrow is our last day for every day posting.Check out our final doll of the year then.


  1. My guess is whoever sculpted these had never actually seen a real live human being and was working from descriptions he had heard

  2. Call me crazy, but I like the Littlechap family. They're definitely unusual looking, but there's something about them that I like. Maybe Libby's bare wrists can be warmed up with some chunky mittens?

    1. I'm still hoping to get her coat and gloves.

  3. i like the family, I know I would have played with them if I had the set those play sets look like a lot of fun. cant wait for the last doll of the year :)


Thanks in advance for your comments.