Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

   Happy Father's Day! I'm getting really bad at remembering to actually shoot some new pictures in time for things! I worked all day on the junk store post yesterday, and forgot to do anything for Father's Day. (I did get Ken a couple of presents!) But Tammy wanted to make sure her dad, Wally got the appreciation he deserves. So she wants me to post some pictures of her with her dad, from previous Father's Day posts. If you haven't seen those, you can always click 'Father's Day' in the side bar.

  And for the record, one of my favourite dads, Ken, here with Emma and Ivy in 2015.

And my other favourite dad, mine.

I'm the little one.


  1. Happy Father's day. Your pictures are all lovely

  2. Replies
    1. Mine too. I miss him all the time. We were very close.


Thanks in advance for your comments.