Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #212: Dune Buggy Baby

  I have really been having trouble with my shoulders. I believe it's called shoulder subluxation, which is described online this way: "A shoulder subluxation is a partial shoulder dislocation, which happens when the ball of the upper arm bone (the humerus) comes partially out of the shoulder socket.It used to happen with my right one occasionally, but lately it's been the left one, and worse than ever. It has become quite a painful problem. I can pop it back in, as I have always done with the right one, but this one won't stay popped. It's also a lot harder to pop in the first place. It's to the point now where it takes about three pops to fully go back in. And then it's still very sore. I didn't mow the grass last week, which gave me some time to rest it. It had been a lot better, and then I mowed the grass the last time and really aggravated it. So I skipped last week entirely, but it hasn't helped. I'm not sure if sleeping on an air mattress for the last six months has had any effect, but I really hope it heals up soon. In any case, I had hoped to get ahead with the blog, as with our anniversary and Emma's wedding coming up, I'm sure I'll need a few days off. Plus it would give the arm time to rest. (Of course, there's doing the posts in the first place, which is worse on the shoulder.), but I just can't seem to, especially when I'm trying to use the arm as little as possible. I don't type one handed. It's too slow, and just tends to then mean the other arm is aggravated!  So, I got about a week ahead with pictures, and about 4 days ahead with posts, and now I have almost used them all up! HUGE SIGH! 

  Today's doll is a little girl called Dune Buggy Baby.

  She was made by Remco in 1972.

  She gets her name from the fact that she originally came with a remote control dune buggy car. 

Of course, she was made in 1972, so her 'remote' control could only be as 'remote' as it could get on it's cord, which was connected to the car. She also came with a flowered beach towel, and a pair of yellow glasses. I'm guessing they were supposed to be sunglasses, but I haven't seen any with lenses in them.

She has a cute face, with big painted blue eyes and a nice grin.

This is her original outfit. It consists of yellow pants, a dark orange top, trimmed in yellow, and reddish orange shoes.

Her blouse would have originally had a flower decal on the chest.

Mine only has one. I swear these are the same shoes worn by Mattel's Talking Buffy doll. Maybe they aren't Dune Buggy's original shoes. I think they are though. Maybe they wore the same shoes, in spite of being sold by different companies, five years apart.

Her blouse snaps at the back of the neck, leaving the upper back uncovered. There's a reason for that.

She has a knob in her back.

Please excuse her sticker residue.

The purpose of the knob is that, when turned, it makes her wave with her right arm.

She's about 11 inches tall. Her articulation is the standard five points: neck, shoulders, and hips. My girl actually has a broken hip joint, allowing her one leg to fall off!

  That's it for today. See you again tomorrow!


  1. Yucko, is there a brace you can get for your arm? That sounds awful!

    LOL, I love these larger Remco dolls. I think Dune Buggy is related tangentially to Tumbling Tomboy, but I'm not 100% certain. Both dolls have a ton of personality, though.

    1. I thought of that too. The remote box looks like a little purse, just like Tumbling Tomboy's.

    2. Oh, as for the arm, I don't know that they have a brace for it. I've read that if it becomes too big a problem and won't stay in, they operate. Just what I need right now.

  2. I don't mean to criticize, but isn't she a bit young to drive? And dune buggy's are pretty dangerous!

    1. Maybe it's one of those kiddie electric cars, like my kids had when they were little. Or maybe she just comes off a lot youner than she is. : )

  3. You already know that the first thing I am going to say is if you need to take some time off then do that so you can rest your arm. Then you will say that you don't want to take time off. So I won't say that (smile). I will just say this is a cutie little doll. She seems to be having fun by the pond.


Thanks in advance for your comments.