Monday, August 28, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #232: Kool Cuts Kara

   Today's doll is one I've posted a variation of before. She's Kool Cuts Kara.

She was made by Kenner in 1990.

This doll is way cuter than the other ones I posted, even though it's the same head sculpt.

  She's 13 inches tall, with molded and painted underwear and shoes.

Her gimmick was that her hair could be cut, and then replaced plug by plug, with hair plugs that were sold separately.

The removable plugs, (which I couldn't get out!) were a lot more visible on the other doll I posted, and I also showed a doll with the plugs removed. That Kara was the Caucasian version. That post can be seen HERE.

  You can watch the commercial for Kool Cuts Kara HERE.

  See you tomorrow.


  1. She's a cutie. I like the concept of replacing her hair. I think I only cut the hair of one of my dolls, a little Alexander. I don't know why I did that. Luckily I kept my childhood dolls in tact and I can still enjoy them today.

    1. I wasn't a hair cutter. I was a hair wearer offer! My sister did cut the hair, or rather, shaved the hair, off my Barbie, because I had so much glue in her hair from trying to fix her swirl hairdo.

    2. My sister closest to me in age and my first Barbie dolls ended up with really thin hair due to over-brushing.
      Signed, Treesa

    3. I wasn't much of a brusher, but those swirl hair styles were hard for a little kid to not mess up. If it had been my kids, they would have brought the doll to me for help, and the hair would have been taken down and redone. But I didn't ask Mom, and she almost certainly would have refused because she was busy. So I resorted to glue!


Thanks in advance for your comments.