Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #267: Beach Fun Barbie and Ken

   Today's dolls are grabbing the last sunny days of the year to hang out on the beach. They're Beach Fun Barbie and Ken.

  These two were made in 1993. That was the days of big haired Barbies and stiff looking Kens. These two are no exception.
  They are a 'special edition', but I'm not sure what was special about them.

They had the standard articulation of the day, which was not much. I really didn't like the stiff straight arms and the bland smile of the Ken's then. This wasn't my favourite Barbie face either. And those clothes! The 80's and the early 90's had some loud coloured clothes, and some wild patterns. Not my style. I was more of a black and white and dark green and dark brown dresser. I still am, although I try to branch out into blue sometimes! These two survived high and dry in the Room of Water. They are for sale, but for the life of me I wouldn't be able to find them now. They have been tubbed and gone to storage. 

  I had an exhausting day today. I had an appointment with my endocrinologist, Yay! My thyroid nodules have not changed, and I don't have to have a biopsy! What a relief! She also said that if I get a clear ultrasound next year I don't have to have any more! After that I had to have blood work done. I'm not good with needles, but the girl did a pretty good job. I felt it a bit, but it wasn't too bad, and the rubber thing they put on my arm to squeeze the blood down there didn't pinch my arm too much, as it does sometimes. Then we went to the house to wait for a guy who was coming to tell us how much new windows for the Room of Fire might cost. I was wondering if I would need to mow the grass. Well I couldn't have if I had wanted to, since the yard was inches deep in leaves, switches from the walnut trees, and fallen walnuts. I spent all my time raking leaves and walnuts, and picking up nuts. Ken helped pick up nuts, as long as I raked them over to him. We picked up two boxes, and one giant bucket, of nuts, and the yard was still full of them. I got most of the leaves either to the tree line, where the leaf sucker truck will get them, (Or not, as you know if you've read my previous complaints about the leaf sucker truck,), or in a couple of big piles in the yard, which I'll deal with on Monday. We had a couple of stops to make after that, and had to pick up some groceries. I fell asleep waiting on Ken as the store. Tomorrow I'm going to try to take another partial day off, after I finish repairing AJ's favourite chair. (Yes, the honeymoon couple is back home from Italy.)

  See you tomorrow for another doll.



  1. Yeaaa, I am so happy to hear your good health news! And yes, do continue to get rest you need it after the wedding planning.

    What a very suntanned couple. Someone should tell them about the harmful rays of the sun. I hope there's a tube of suntan lotion in the box (laugh).

    There is a new Barbie club starting through UFDC. It is meeting via Zoom so it's open to people from all over the country. It's going to meet monthly and then probably become an official club next Summer. So right now it's just an "interest" club. There are no dues.

    1. You'd think Barbie would have aged worse, with all the suntans she's had! Thanks for the info about the club. I'll look into it and spread the news.

  2. English walnuts or black walnuts? Just curious?

    Oh Lordy, poor ol' Ken. The nineties were NOT kind to him, but I actually like this pair. The colors are loud and proud, perfect for a day at the beach. Tell your sunshiney pair to enjoy it while they can; the front is hitting the Bootheel right now, so I figure Ohio's not got much longer to wait. And I feel your pain about blood; small, deep, rolling veins run in my mother's side of the family, and I inherited that lovely trait. Drawing blood is a tremendous pain for me, and having an IV put in isn't much better.

    1. Black walnuts. I usually crack a bunch. Since we aren't there this year and I can't bring a bunch to Emma's to dry out, I have a single hulled bucket in the trunk of the car for cracking! But not to worry, because there's a walnut tree here at Emma's that has bigger walnuts than ours have!
      Luckily it's much easier to get blood out of me now than it used to be. Back when I weighed 110 pounds I had to have blood work done for some tests they were doing after I hurt my back at work. The lady doing it said I had 'very, very, very small veins' and they were 'very, very, very thin walled'. Then she said, "I hope you never get hit by a truck!" Well, too! My dad had trouble with his veins rolling away or collapsing when they tried to poke them. My sister is the same way. It's better now that I'm fat, but I still have trouble with the idea of needles! I always tell them not to tell me what they're doing, to just go about it. It's better if I try to ignore them and think about something else! And yes, it seems to be cooling off a lot at night at least. 70 degrees today though. It was 80 on Wednesday!


Thanks in advance for your comments.