Saturday, October 21, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #284: Glinda the Good Witch

  This isn't the first Glinda the Good Witch I've shown you. (See the other one HERE.) It's not even the first one Mattel has made. But she's a good one. (Well, obviously...)


  She could look a lot better though She was on the first landing at the house...not the one the fire was directly off of. This one was down a flight of stairs from that one. But unbeknownst to us, a shelf down there got more of the water than we thought. I found this doll, and a couple of others down there on a shelf, which I had been told didn't get wet. Guess again. They had gotten wet and were molding. This one isn't too bad. The lid and top of her box are the worst parts. Inside the box doesn't seem too bad though. I've had them sitting open getting dry adn hoping the mold would die, which I think it has. She'll still need washed, at least the bottom of her dress. And of course, while she was airing out she has collected some cat hair.
  She is part of the Barbie Collector Pink Label line.

  Here she is without the lid of her box. I only put it back on for the picture. I need to take her out of the box and clean the bottom half of her. The rest of her is fine. They did a pretty good job on her dress. It's a lot more screen accurate than the Hollywood Legends Barbie as Glinda that was made in 1996, or the singing play line Glinda Barbie doll that was made in 1999.

  And believe me, I know, because I spent hours with the video frozen on Glinda when I made my second Glinda, costume for Ivy, when she was Glinda for Halloween one year. Emma was Glinda one year too, but I was newer at sewing then, and didn't realize how much fabric it took to make  a really puffy skirt. By the time I made Ivy's dress, I was much better at sewing, and had figured out the volume thing. I also had come across yards and yards of tulle at a yard sale, which I washed up and used for Ivy's costume. (Somewhere on this blog there's picture of Ivy in that dress, when she used it for playing dress up, and had almost outgrown it.) There's a lot to that costume when you really look at it. There's the butterfly thing at her throat, and the one on the bodice, and the one at her hip. 

Butterfly on the sleeve too.

  Her wand isn't accurate, because the shaft was silver, and not glittery.

  Then there is also that awesome crown. I have to admit, there were certain aspects of Ivy's crown that were better than Emma's. For one thing, I thought to use fishing line to make the things the stars float on above the crown. I bought 4th of July decorations and cut the little silver foil stars off and glued them to the fishing line. But overall, Emma's crown was better. I used clear vinyl that comes on huge bolt rolls at the fabric store, and made it a few layers thick so it would stand up. I made the designs out of glue and sprinkled silver glitter on. If I redid it now I would use silver glitter hot glue, because the way I did it, it flaked off over time. Mind you, it lasted through Halloween and Emma wearing it to school for Crazy Hat Day. For one or both of the crowns I sewed rhinestone stuff along the bottom. I don't know what it's called, but it's rhinestone stuff you buy by the yard at the fabric store. I know that on Ivy's I also sewed it along the part where the bodice joins the skirt. If you really look at the movie, there are rhinestones there.

They didn't do as good a job on her hair though. The real Glinda, played by Billie Burke, had thick waves that curled at the bottom.

  And honestly, Billie Burke was prettier too.

   In 2014 Mattel produced a Glinda doll for the 75th anniversary of the movie. She had a Billie Burke head sculpt that wasn't too bad. She also had jointed elbows, and her dress and want were a lot like this one, if not a little less screen accurate.

 For this line of dolls they made most of the other characters from the movie. The Winkie guard and flying monkey were great!

  That's today's doll. Come back tomorrow, (as the Wizard said.), and see what doll we're looking at then.

1 comment:

  1. Dorothys like Glinda, of course, so thank you for featuring her (laugh).

    Did I mention that UFDC's Convention theme next year is "There's No Place Like Home?" I think I did mention that UFDC has started an online Barbie Club. It's free and open to everyone. You just go to the UFDC website, click on calendar page, and find the monthly listing for the Club's meeting time.


Thanks in advance for your comments.