Saturday, October 14, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #277: Major Lady

   Today's doll is one from the toy show last week. My sister, who still insists she doesn't collect dolls, wanted an OMG doll, wearing a black and yellow outfit. The price was $4, or three for $5. So I dug through the tub and found a couple dolls that interested me. One of them was this doll. She's a Lol Surprise OMG doll, from the Dance Dance Dance series. Her name, oddly enough, is Major Lady.

She's fashion doll size.

  She has orange hair, and what seemed to be all of her rather bright and over the top, (for me, anyway.), outfit. Looking her up I see that parts of her outfit, her make up, and her hair, glow brightly under black light. She would have also had a cape, which could also be worn around her waist, star shaped sunglasses, one lightening bolt shaped earring and one stars shaped earring, and a bracelet that glowed under black light. Do that many kids have back lights these days? 
  Her packaging promised '15 surprises', but they seem to have included her boots, her sunglasses, and her clothes. That's not much of a surprise, is it, when she comes in those things?
  I see now that that hunk of hair that kept hanging down one side of her face, Veronica Lake style, was actually supposed to be parted in the middle, and hang down at the edge of her face on both sides.

Her lips are very sparkly. Her eyebrows appear to have been quite sparkly at one point, but are now only vaguely sparkly.

  She has jointing at the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hips.

  That outfit reminds me of something Cher might have worn in the 1970's. Those fingernails are very 70's Cher too.

The boots aren't very Cher though. But they glow under black light!

She has a belly button cut out, which is 70's Cher, and a belt. And there are those nails again.

She has some detail in the palms of her hands. I am impressed that they bothered to paint the backs of her long nails.

    You can watch a commercial for the Dance Dance Dance dolls HERE and  HERE

  That's today's doll. Tomorrow we'll see another from the toy show.


  1. Well she is quite the looker. I am sure she turns heads when she enters the (dolly) room. I bet that she holds a degree in rocket science or something equally erudite but she keeps that to herself (smile).

    Are her eyes different colors? One looks blue and one looks turquoise.

    She reminds me of a modern day I Dream of Jeannie.

  2. About the black lights: I think most/all dolls/sets of this brand came with black lights...

  3. That particular series had UV reactivity as the gimmick. I think the latest wave of OMG was similar, but just changed color in the sun.

    1. I just wonder how many kids have UV lights. Somebody said the set came with black lights, but how would that be feasible?

    2. I suffered a senior moment with that comment, lol. It was the *Lights* series that actually came with little battery powered blacklights and had UV as their main gimmick, but I think MGA's kept it around since due to the general unpopularity of water play (which LOL Surprise is pretty reliant on).
      That being said, if you've ever walked by a blacklight or other UV light source, any number of random things will fluoresce. Easiest way to spot who's trying to smuggle "special tea" into a dry party.

    3. Talk about senior moments! Have I 'ever walked by black light'! In the early 70's Spencer's Gifts, (Now just 'Spencer's'.), was all about the black light! Practically everything in the store glowed under their black lights! I remember all the black light posters in the back of the store, and for Christmas I once bought my sister a neon orange Buddha incense burner there! He wasn't quite the same without the black light though.


Thanks in advance for your comments.