Today's doll is a Na! Na! Na! Surprise doll named Aubrey Heart.
She came as part of the limited edition 3-in-1 Backpack Bedroom Playset.
The set came with a bunny eared floor standing mirror, a pink plaid skirt and a yellow shirt with white bunny heads, a bunny eared hair brush, a regular
and a bunny eared pillow, a blanket, (Sorry. No bunny ears.), and she was wearing bunny eared platform shoes. And of course, it was all contained in a bedroom playset, (with bunny ears!), that could be worn like a backpack. Other than her bunny eared platform shoes, she's wearing her original outfit, consisting of a furry pink shirt and a furry white skirt with bunny ears,
and face. Her white bunny eared fishnet knee highs are printed on.
This dolls is one of the medium size Na! Na! Na! dolls, at 7 1/2 inches tall. She's a cuddly little size. The Na! Na! Na! dolls can't turn their heads very well, but they can move their arms and legs. Their legs can move at the hips pretty far, but it's a scissor sit that doesn't actually allow them to
sit. They can do splits, but they can never actually sit up straight, and they have to sort of lean against something, with their legs only slightly moved at the hips to look even halfway like they are sitting.
Their arms sort of rotate at the shoulder.
I was a bit surprised to find that her bangs and indeed, all of her hair, is connected to that piece of elastic around her head. It's connected at some points, but not above her bangs. So, when I tried to lift her hat up in the front and see if it came off, I managed to pull the hair elastic out from under it. Then I couldn't get it back under the hat in a way so as to make it look like she had a whole head of hair, and not just bangs on a piece of elastic, (which, of course, is the case).
But her little nose is three dimensional. |
These are always cute little dolls though. I like them. I think I would have liked them when I was a kid. I think they should have actual heads of hair though, and I think their hats should be removable.
This is the other doll I got at the toy show, so my sister could get her doll under the 3 for $5 deal. I think I have three Na Na Na Surprise dolls now. That's probably plenty.
That's the doll for today. See you tomorrow.
Well she certainly is bunny-full! I agree about the hair. I guess the hat is never supposed to be removed.
ReplyDeleteI guess not. But that limits the play value, don't you think? They give her spare clothes, but she can't change her hat, or even take it off?
DeleteThe hat/hair issue is something we made note of back when these first came out. I can appreciate MGA making these less of a totally-random surprise experience (THANK YOU), but swappable hats/hair would have been super cool!
ReplyDeleteYes. That would have been a great idea. I bet it's still possible. I think the hat is only held on with a few stitches. Probably wouldn't stay on without stitches though. Kind of a dumb design really.
DeleteIt is, it's just sewn onto the bottom of the hat in all the cases I know of. The problem would be reinforcing the hat brim so you can pop it onto another doll. Armature wire, maybe? I might grab one of these full size ones next time I pass one on clearance and find out =p
DeleteShe definitely needs a whole head of hair. A kid can't wear a hat all the time.