Monday, May 27, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #146: Storybook Beans Little Bo Peep

  Well, Frontier ruined it for me once again! Our internet was out most of the day yesterday. I did my post early in the day, but I didn't post it because I had something to add. Then I ended up going with Emma and her friend,and my niece and her friend, to meet up with my sister,my cousin and her daughter at the Other World art exhibit. When I got home there was no internet,so I couldn't post it. So,for only the second time this year, my post didn't get posted on the day,and once again,it's Frontier's fault. So here is yesterday's doll, and later today I'll post today's doll. Sheez!
  Today's doll is another I got at my first yard sale of the season a couple of weeks ago. Again, she's going to need a clean up,but I'm showing her to you now anyway. I did clean her face a bit,but she's going to need an overall clean. She's this kid.

She's obviously a Baby Beans doll.

She's Storybook Beans Bo Peep.

The Baby Beans dolls were made by Mattel.

The first Baby Beans was made in 1970.

After that the floodgates were open. Mattel made so many types of Baby Beans I'm not sure I know about them all. Most of them had the same face as this kid. Some had a similar face with an open mouth.

There was a Baby Beans in pink,one in yellow,an African American Baby Beans in orange, (These had names like Booful and Bitty,and a Talking Baby Beans in a blue outfit with flowers.

I always wanted one of these. I was about 8 by the time it came out, so I guess I thought I was too old,or maybe my parents did,
There was a Mama and Baby Beans. You can see the post on mine

There was one Mama and baby Beans which included an old lady Baby Beans with gray hair,(Huh?), a Jeans Beans,in denim. There was a little boy named Biffy Beans, and a baby Beans with a 'trap door' in the PJ's that revealed a bare butt!And there was a series of baby Beans dolls with animals. Then there was this doll's series,Storybook Baby Beans.
The Storybook series included Bo Peep,Little Red Riding Hood,and Little Miss Muffet. They all came with an accessory. Bo Peep came with a sheep,(What else?),Little Red Riding Hood came with her basket of goodies,and Little Miss Muffet came with her spider friend. Earlier Baby Beans dolls had vinyl hands,but this girl has cloth hands.

She has hair in the front,and hair in the back...

...but no hair under that bonnet.

Her stuffing includes ground nut shells,which I thought was a bit unusual for a cuddly toy.

That would probably be considered unsafe these days.
  That's today's doll. See you agian tomorrow.


  1. I have wondered in the past how the cutest of faces often come on soft bodied dolls.....because I really hate soft bodies! Although, I do appreciate why they have soft bodies and who they'll appeal to :)
    This one has a very cute face though, very cheeky and appealing!

    1. I'm not very picky in that respect. If it's a cute doll,I don't much care if it's soft or not.

  2. Ground nutshells??? That's something you don't see every day! Bo Beans has lovely eyes!

    1. They did do an especially good job on the eyes.

  3. What a cutie doll. She is new to me.
    I agree with Raging Moon. I like her green eyes.
    I agree with Sharon. I am not a fan of soft body dolls, although I have a few 18 inch dolls that have soft bodies. Don't tell them I said this (laugh).

    1. What sort of 18" soft body dolls? Like American Girl types?

  4. I love the face on these! Its just so adorable. I think I might have had the one with the bare butt if they still had them by 1975 and a little later. If not, I am sure there was something similar. I have seen these type of dolls stick around even if they aren't the originals. But ground shells? That sounds like a really bad combination for a WASHABLE child's toy!

  5. Does anyone remember the one that you could pull the string and she would slowly move her head

  6. Does anyone remember the one that if you pulled the string in the back she would slowly move her head

    1. I don't know about a beans doll like that, but there was Newborn Thumbelina that moved her head when her string was pulled, and she was the same size. Could that be what you're thinking of?


Thanks in advance for your comments.