Monday, July 17, 2023

Doll-A-DAy 2023 #190: Troll Doll

 Today's doll is an oldie but a goodie. He's a troll!

I think at some point he must have had a mouse or something get at his vest.

Trolls made a big comeback when Emma was little, in the 90's, but this guy is one of the originals. What you might not be suspecting though, is that this guy is about a foot tall.

His hair seems to be mohair, his vest and feet are felt, and his one piece yellow body suit is corduroy.

What's even more unlikely you would suspect it, is that he has a stuffed lower half! His legs and feet are stuffed fabric. He's the only one like this that I've ever seen.

His head and arms are hardish plastic, like most older troll dolls.

He has four leaf clovers on his shoes.

Trolls have been around as far back as Norse mythology. In early Scandinavian folklore trolls were huge, mean, could perform magic, and hated humans. Later forms of trolls were smaller, more like elves, and lived in the mountains.

  We'll see some more trolls this week, and learn how the troll doll became part of popular culture. 




  1. LOL, I was obsessed with these when I was a little kid! Had a whole box full of 'em. Thanks for the stroll down Memory Lane!

    1. I think you must be around Emma's generation. She had several trolls. She really loved them for a while when she was small. I have trolls from when I was little too.

  2. A foot tall? Wow, he is a giant troll (smile). He does look like he had an "accident" with his vest. I am glad he is alright now.

    1. He is, indeed, a big boy! At least he survived his ordeal with face and fingers intact. Could have been worse.


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