Sunday, April 9, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #92: A Beautiful Souvenir Doll and Happy Easter!

  For those of you who celebrate Easter, I hope you're enjoying the day. As for Tammy World, she thought she was going to have to do Easter in a borrowed Penny Brite shirt and a pair of leggings I (badly) made from a pair of Dollar Tree socks. 

That's all she's had here at Emma's, except for her veggiesaurus shirt and black pants, and the nightgown I got on a Skipper from Goodwill.

  I can barely get Ken to find my clothes at the house, (and only this week got my short sleeved shirts from the house), let alone find Tammy's clothes! Clothes in Tammy's size are hard to find, especially since she's now using the super skinny, but articulated, Hogwarts Heroes Hermione body. So I was forced to get a pair of socks from Dollar Tree and try to turn them into leggings. There are vague intentions to make a sweater too. But when this was deemed not good enough for Easter, I dug through some clothes that came from the house in some doll stuff, and sorted out a Penny Brite shirt, and a skirt I thought would fit Tammy. She's me as a kid, so she doesn't like having to wear a skirt, but beggars can't be choosers. I also had to buy her some new hair elastics while I was at Dollar Tree. Hers popped, and her hair was looking a mess. I had saved some elastics from a doll I opened, but I don't know where I put them now. I have plenty at home, but if I send Ken to root through my desk drawer, he will never get it closed again. There's a lot of stuff in there, and it's fit together like a puzzle. He'd never get it put back together. So anyway, she looks a lot better now.

She still only has her tennis shoes, so she's in her socks, (At least they've been washed recently!), but she did want to wish you all a happy Easter.

  My autofocus didn't want to focus on both Tammy's face, and her message, so you get one or the other, I'm afraid!

  We are going to have Ivy with us, so we will enjoy being with her. She has to leave this evening, as she has to be at work in Indiana tomorrow. So, short visit, but better than nothing. I spent part of yesterday making about three dozen curried eggs, which took ages to peel. I spent the time finishing watching "M", which I started rewatching weeks ago. I also photographed some dolls when I finished. We'll see them soon. But today's doll is this lady I found at a Goodwill.

She a souvenir type doll in a native folk costume of some sort.

  It used to be my favourite Goodwill, but it hasn't been lately. I did get excited to find this doll though. She's the larger version of the dolls I love that Ivy and I have, that I posted about HERE and HERE. In fact, she has the same face, and the exact same boots as my smaller doll, and her skirt is made of the exact same fabric as my doll's skirt!

New doll...

...small doll. The bigger one could be her mom!

New doll...

...small doll!

New doll...

...small doll! Trust me. It's the same fabric.

The new doll is a lot taller than the one I've had for a while. My small girl is about 6 inches tall, while the new lady is about 12 inches tall if you include her hat.

  And speaking of hats, the new lady has quite an elaborate one.

Beads on top, and beads in front.

Lots of ribbon.

A huge ribbon on the back of the hat, that reaches to her waist.

Lots of beads.

Ribbon in the back.

The beads in front are strung and woven through the lace trim.

Her whole outfit is pretty extravagant.

Lots of fringey stuff.

The fringes on her crossed shawl thingy are various colours.

A bead in her bodice.

Big puffy sleeves. And look at the lace,

  I don't know what country her clothes represent. My world traveling friend Helga may be able to help with this one. In trying to figure it out I think she may be...Hungarian? The red boots also suggest Poland or Ukraine.

She is wearing a beautiful apron too.

   She has a necklace, but it only goes part of the way around her neck.

Her face is pressed over some sort of form, and obviously hand painted.

  I'm not sure what her hair is made of. Maybe silk thread?

  One difference between her and her smaller counterpart is, the small doll has mitten hands, while this lady has individual fingers.

Her nails have even been painted on.

  I didn't even check to see if her arms bend. (I have a couple of  Hungarian dolls that are made similarly, and their arms do bend.) I know the legs of these dolls are never jointed or bendable.
  I'm just really pleased to have found her. She was marked $3.99, which isn't bad. I'm cheap though, so I was pleased to find out she was half price! So I paid $2 for her, and I think I got a deal.
  Tomorrow we'll see another doll I found the same day, that I didn't bring back with me, but I wish I could have. 


  1. Yeah, I'd guess Ukraine too, with those shoes. These dolls are epic! I love the details!


Thanks in advance for your comments.