Sunday, December 10, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #330: Gary

  Today we're going to look at Gary. Sorry for how much of him we're looking at! 

 Gary is about 6 1/2 inches tall, the same as Dawn.

I just don't have any of Gary's clothes except for one brown shoe that I think is his. (I think he came in black shoes though.)

Too bad he doesn't have the other shoe, to cover up his injured foot.

  Gary was the boyfriend of Dawn, Topper's mini fashion doll, sold between 1970 and 1973. I never had any of Dawn and her friends as a kid, but I remember seeing plenty of them at school. (Kids don't seem to be allowed to bring toys to school these days, but we did  it all the time back then.)

Poor Gary isn't in the best of shape.

  Gary came in a wild, multicoloured shirt. It was a bit hip for a guy with a somewhat Robert Goulet-like appearance.

"If ever I would leave you..."

  The long sideburns were a thing of the times, and I still hate them.

He does have a lot of detail on his tiny little head. I will say that.

This Gary doesn't seem to suffer from the problem a lot of Dawn dolls do, which is the reaction between the soft rubber arms and legs, and the harder plastic torso, which causes them to sort of meld together. Other dolls have the same problem, like Kenner's Dusty.

  I'm not sure if other Garys also escaped the problem, or if this guy just got lucky. Or maybe Gary was made of a sightly different plastic than Dawn.

  Gary was released in the second series of Dawn and friends, along with another guy named Ron. Ron had brown hair in a swoopy, across the forehead style. Later there was a third guy, an African American named Van. 

  That's today's doll. See you tomorrow for another one.


Thanks in advance for your comments.