Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #350: Chenille Santas

   While we're still in Christmas mode, I wanted to show you these little guys.

  Technically they are dolls. They are tiny vintage chenille Santas.

They're probably just under three inches tall. I was lucky to get a bag of vintage Christmas decorations at one of the few yard sales I went to this year, and these guy were in it. They're absolutely perfect! They're clen, and soft, and haven't been squashed out of shape at all.

They are as soft as they look!

 They were in the same bag as the vintage miniature Christmas house Tammy World showed you a few days ago. They're ornaments, as you can tell from the string. They're holding little Christmas trees.

Their faces are made of something other than chenille, obviously. I'm not sure what it is. I found the exact same ones online, and the seller said their faces were composition. That looks about right. The dealer also said they were from the 1940's.

  I love them.. Don't forget to check out today's other posts, as we scramble to catch up with the end of the year! 



  1. These remind me of the pipe cleaner men Daddy used to make, LOL. So cute!

    1. I'd love to see the ones your dad made. You should do a post on them sometime.

  2. Well, ho, ho, ho. They are tiny cuties.

    1. They are, aren't they? I love little vintage pipe cleaner people. And old Christmas decorations are so special.

  3. Very cute old Santas. My grandpatents had several similar ones.

    1. Everyone is saying their grandparents had some of these. I wonder just how old they really are.

  4. My grandmother had these perched allover the house when I was a child in the 1950's. I think I have two somewhere...but they are so simply made and yours are in divine condition. What a fun way to celebrate a holiday with vintage. Adorable! In Denmark and Scandinavia we call these Nisse or Tomte or elves. Fun post! Sandi

    1. Thanks Sandi. I was worried people would say, "Those aren't dolls!" It's nice to know people are enjoying them.


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