Thursday, December 28, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #357: I.Q.

I posted two other Honeyhill Bunch dolls today. This is the third and last for the day. She's I.Q..

IQ is one of my favourites in the series, and I didn't even remember that I have her! I found her at the house recently.

She's one of the smaller Honeyhill Bunch dolls, at 4 inches tall.

She has her vest, but is missing her accessory, a book. The book was made of nylon cloth, and actually could be opened and had (unprinted) cloth pages. Her slogan on her box was "I always get straight A's in school."

She also still has her sunglasses, on top of her head.

I think they're the same sunglasses Mattel used for the P.J. dolls, part of the Barbie line.

  I have read at least one thing that suggested I.Q. is a boy. Because she's smart and carries a book? The Honeyhill Bunch paper dolls show the boys wearing bottom clothing only, while the girls, including I.Q. wear one piece clothing with a top. The clothes provided for I.Q. have been described as  being more boyish, but really, denim pantsuits were totally worn by girls in the 70's. The other clothes included a pair of mint green footie pajamas, a sailor suit, with hat, and polka dot shirt, and a green suit, with shorts and knee socks. So you decide.
  I.Q. seems to have been part of the first wave of Honeyhill Bunch dolls.

    That's #358! We're getting there! Check out today's other posts for more Honeyhill Bunch dolls.


  1. I think IQ is a girl. She is definitely a cutie.

  2. I have two of IQ too. And they too have slightly different heighs


Thanks in advance for your comments.