Thursday, December 14, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #335: Prince Tommy

   We're getting caught up by the end of the year, I swear! Today's extra post is Prince Tommy.

I think he's from the same series as the Jester Jenny we saw yesterday. He's from 1999.

So he's just pretending to be a Prince.

Unlike the picture on the box, he didn't come with a crown. I'm pretty sure Fuzz had this one, and no crown.

He does have a cape that's a separate piece though.

What a cute little face. I always wished they had made a red haired Tommy. It would have made creating Fuzzy the Doll a lot easier, for one thing!

He also has his tunic, pants, and black boots. He came with a poster that showed all the Kelly and Tommy dolls. 

  That's it. Also check out today's regular post, #334, and day one of Twelve Days of Tammy World.


  1. I think there was a red-haired Tommy in a kilt one time, but don't quote me on that. I often wished that Tommy had had more guy friends like Kelly did; poor ol' Ryan barely got any attention, and no redheaded boys!

    1. There was. I have one. But that one didn't have the traditional Tommy bowl cut, which is what I needed to make a Fuzzy the Doll. I ended up colouring the hair on a regular Tommy with an orange marker. It all got played off though, but eventually, so did the hair!

  2. Is this doll not in an unopened box? Then how do you know there is no crown? Mine has the crown and a treasure chest. There was a cardboard card between the cardboard intet and the back of the box. One could push out pieces with perforated edges from the card, and make things. The crown was a long piece with two notches in it, and one put the notches in each other to make it. The chest was not as easy to put together, though.

    Several of my old Shelly club dolls came with some cardboard piece.

    1. I was going by the fact that Fuzz has this doll, and I don't remember Fuzz ever having the crown. And I know there was no treasure chest. for sure. Maybe we missed it, with it being between stuff, and we never saw it! Or maybe the European Shelly dolls came with different things.

  3. He's another cutie. I kind of don't like his hair cut though. Maybe it will grow out (laugh).


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